16-year-old miraculously survived gang assassination of Lametta Fadlallah

The gunman who shot dead a gangland mom and her hairdresser friend pushed a 16-year-old’s head out the way before pumping the car with bullets.

Horrifying details have emerged of the moment Lametta Fadlallah and hairdresser friend Amy Hazouri were gunned down inside a car in Panania a town in Sydney, Australia Saturday night.

Fadlallah, 48 — a mother with reported links to organized crime — and Hazouri, 39, were both killed shortly before 9 pm when a hail of bullets struck their car, parked outside Fadallah’s house.

Fadlallah was pronounced dead at the scene of the attack. Hazouri died later after being rushed to Liverpool Hospital.

Two people were gunned down in the streets of Sydney, Australia while a 16-year-old managed to survive the encounter.

A 16-year-old girl and 20-year-old man were also inside the car at the time of the shooting but were not injured.

The Daily Telegraph revealed the 16-year-old girl in the front seat had never met Fadlallah and was simply at the house with her friend to pick up. Hazouri, who herself is believed to be an innocent victim of the shooting.

A relative of the young girl said she is so traumatized she cannot return to school and is now undergoing “intensive therapy”. She is now reportedly unable to eat and “hasn’t stopped crying, and can’t sleep”.

“She screamed at her friend ‘just drive, drive, drive, get away’,” the relative said, revealing they sped away for about a kilometer before calling for help.

“She was trying to call police but she was so scared she couldn’t talk, so they pulled over and she threw the phone to someone else,” the relative said.

Lametta Fadlallah was pronounced dead at the scene of the shooting after she was shot multiple times.
Lametta Fadlallah was pronounced dead at the scene of the shooting after she was shot multiple times.

“Why didn’t they wait until these other people in the car were gone? If they were after this woman, why didn’t they wait until she was alone?

“The girl will never recover from this, not even in 20 years.”

A former detective has warned there could be future attacks after the “planned assassination”.

Hairdresser Amy Hazouri was also killed in the attack.
Hairdresser Amy Hazouri was also killed in the attack.

When questioned about what could come next, former NSW Detective Peter Moroney told Today: “Sit down and hold on.”

He warned of retaliation “not like we’ve ever seen in Sydney before” if it turned out the shooting was connected to current gang warfare in the city.

“If you are to unpack what actually happened — for someone to know where she was, they obviously would have had to survey her for a point of time,” Det. Moroney said on Monday.

“They have sat and waited for her to sit within that vehicle before they came and then opened fire at close range.

“As I’ve seen (in) the footage there’s a volume of shots, someone clearly wanted her dead. They shot her in the manner in which they did. They didn’t care who was with her.”

Moroney said he counted 16 to 17 shots, fired in quick succession.

“It was a planned murder, an assassination really, and it’s happened in a public street in Sydney,”

Superintendent Danny Doherty

He said “the calculation and the brutality” of the shooting would have police concerned.

“It was a planned murder, an assassination really, and it’s happened in a public street in Sydney,” Homicide Squad Commander Detective Superintendent Danny Doherty said.

“It’s unacceptable by any standards. It’s unprecedented, really. And we are determined to get the answers for the family.”

Emergency services were called to Weston Street in Revesby at about 8:50 pm on Saturday night following reports of a shooting.

Police believe the shooting occurred in Hendy St. in Panania before the driver of the 4WD sped away towards Revesby before he stopped and called the emergency services.

Superintendent Doherty blasted underworld figures for breaking the “unwritten laws” that protected women and children from attacks.

“I think this just demonstrated how low they‘ve got where any person that may be associated with someone who they want to target … they don’t discriminate, whether you’re male or female,“ he said.

“The rule books have been thrown out the window.”

Strike Force Laurantus has been established to investigate the incident, involving officers from the Homicide Squad, Bankstown Police Area Command and the South West Metropolitan Region.

Police are calling for anyone with dash-cam or CCTV footage from the surrounding area to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Read the full article Here

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