Teaching activist admits selling Critical Race Theory lessons to schools

A Georgia teaching activist has been placed on administrative leave after bragging about really being an “evil salesman” profiting off illegally selling schools Critical Race Theory lessons in disguise — despite a state-wide ban.

Former teacher Quintin Bostic was filmed by an undercover Project Veritas reporter admitting his illicit work for Teaching Lab, a non-profit that says its “mission is to fundamentally shift the paradigm of teacher professional learning for educational equity.”

“It’s like a scam lab,” Bostic stunningly admitted in one chat, cackling wildly as he insisted it was really “for profit.”

“I would say I’m a good salesman, but I’m also a [sic] evil salesman. Like, so bad,” he said.

In the videos, he admitted selling a curriculum filled with Critical Race Theory (CRT) to schools — specifically kindergartens — in Georgia, despite knowing the divisive topic was banned last April.

“If you don’t say the word ‘Critical Race Theory’ you can technically teach it,” he admitted in one clip, saying that he passes the lessons off as Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion [DEI], which is allowed.

“And they don’t even know what’s going on,” he said.

Bostic admitted being an “evil salesman.”
Project Veritas

Asked if it means “the state is basically paying for your curriculum without knowing what’s in it,” he nodded and said with clear relish: “Yup. They have no clue, and I’m like, ‘This is great. This is good.’”

In the covert recording, Bostic openly admitted knowing that CRT is “banned” in the Georgia educational facilities he is tricking.

“People don’t know what Critical Race Theory is, so when they see the word, alarm goes off. But if you teach the principles of it people are like ‘of course’,” he said, explaining his curriculum, includes “books, theories, Critical Race Theory — even, like, banned books.”

He branded Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp — who banned teaching the “divisive” academic concepts about racism — an “idiot.”

But he revealed he was more concerned with Kemp’s wife, Marty Kemp, because she “does a lot of stuff on education here as a former teacher.”

Asked what would happen if she found out what he was up to, he said: “Oh I would be nailed, I’m sure.”

Quintin Bostic filmed by Project Veritas.
He also gloated over how schools and parents had “no clue” what was really in the lessons.
Project Veritas

Still, he brushed off possible anger his scheme would create among parents unaware that their kids were getting taught lessons they would assume are off the table.

“Who cares? I’m not part of the system,” he said.

“I’m not going to lose my job over it. Worst that can happen is y’all going to be upset that I shared some knowledge. That’s the worst that’s going to happen,” he claimed.

Teaching Lab initially did not mention any action against Bostic in a statement decrying the “deceptively produced and edited video” by the guerilla journalists it called “a widely discredited activist group.”

“Teaching Lab does not create or sell curriculum,” it said, while also maintaining that CRT “is not a part” of its “professional learning model.”

However, while the non-profit doesn’t directly create curriculum, it does coach and mentor teachers to “create” their own “instructional systems” to achieve “educational equity.”

The Washington, DC-based company — which Project Veritas says has a $15 million budget — then released a second statement calling its staffer’s comments “inaccurate and regrettable.”

“The employee has been placed on administrative leave pending further review,” it said.

Project Veritas later confronted Bostic over his comments, in which he awkwardly tried to deny some of the things caught on the undercover recordings.

“Definitely taken out of context,” he said specifically when asked about calling his employer a “scam lab.”

“I don’t think we should deceive at all … I haven’t done any deception,” he claimed, while also dismissing his description of himself as an “evil salesman.”

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