Nvidia is raising the price of GeForce Now, but not in the US

Nvidia spokesperson Jordan Dodge tells me the United States is currently exempt from the price changes. “No price change happening in the US,” he says.

The company says the hikes “account for increased operational costs” in the specific countries where they’re rolling out, according to a customer help page, and that GeForce Now founders can still pay grandfathered pricing as originally promised.

This will be the third price hike for GeForce’s top tier — Nvidia doubled it twice in 2021. For example, UK subscribers who chose to leave their Founders plans for upgraded graphics and latency will have gone from paying £4.99 a month to £8.99 a month to £17.99 a month to, finally, £19.99 a month starting November 1st. Still, the Ultimate tier is a much more impressive service than the Priority one, and that leap accounts for most of the cost.

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