Dorrance Dance, used for WH Christmas video, backs defunding police

The Manhattan-based dance company featured in the White House’s annual Christmas video Thursday endorses discredited “antiracism” activists and radical left-wing causes, including prison abolition and defunding law enforcement. 

First lady Jill Biden shared Dorrance Dance’s “playful interpretation of The Nutcracker Suite” on X Thursday, which was widely panned for its “Hunger Games” and “Clockwork Orange” aesthetic. 

While the tap routine appeared apolitical, the dance troupe’s website is anything but – promoting far-left policies that are even out of step with the Biden administration. 

“I am a white tap dancer with Black cultural ancestors in a society that privileges white people and whiteness,” Michelle Dorrance, the company’s founder, writes in a note on the troupe’s website titled, “Why antiracism work is important to me.” 

“I am easy for white audiences wanting to access and experience elements of Black culture to swallow. My whiteness is the reason you may have heard of me before two of my inspirations,” she adds, referencing two contemporary black tap dancers, Ayodele Casel and Dormeshia.

“It is imperative for me, and those who look like me, to acknowledge that. It is imperative for us to fight against racist norms that have defined American culture since its very origin.” 

First lady Jill Biden unveiled the White House Christmas video on Thursday.

The comprehensive “antiracism” section of Dorrance Dance’s website includes links to numerous far-left organizations, such as Black Lives Matter and INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence — the latter group trumpets the antisemitic slogan, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free!” on its website. 

Dorrance Dance encourages visitors to “get involved in abolition work” linking to essays titled, “What Is Prison Abolition?” and “How I Became a Police Abolitionist.” 

The prison abolition movement considers immigrant detention centers, city and county jails and state and federal prisons, “social evils” that “must be eradicated.” 

The website also directs users to organizations promoting the so-called “defund the police” movements in New York, San Diego, Minneapolis and Dallas. 

There are links to several petitions, including one that reads, “DEFUND AND REDISTRIBUTE NYPD FUNDING BY $500 MILLION,” sponsored by the NYC Wealth Distribution Project. 

It’s unclear what the cost of the performance was to taxpayers.

Another petition demands that Democratic Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and the Justice Department “free every black person incarcerated on marijuana related charges” – which President Biden has notably refused to do. 

In the “Educate Yourself” section of the site,  Dorrance Dance promotes the New York Times’ discredited “1619 Project,” which falsely claims that the American Revolution was fought largely to preserve slavery. 

“White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism” by Robin DiAngelo and Ibram X. Kendi’s entire “antiracist reading list” are among the tomes featured on Dorrance Dance’s “books” page. 

DiAngelo pushes the theory that all white Americans are racist and the product of white supremacy. She was once slammed as the “P.T. Barnum of American race relations” by columnist Maureen Callahan, who noted that DiAngelo rakes in tens of thousands of dollars annually from corporations that hire her for diversity training. 

The dance company’s website features a comprehensive “antiracism” section, with links to various “defund the police” petitions and causes. Dorrance Dance

A former employee at Kendi’s Center for Antiracist Research at Boston University accused the organization earlier this year of mismanaging more than $40 million in funds and doing little research compared to the size of the grants the center was receiving. Boston University later said it found “no issues” with Kendi’s management of the center. 

It’s unclear if taxpayer money was used to pay Dorrance Dance for the routine in the White House Christmas video. 

The White House and Dorrance Dance did not respond to The Post’s requests for comment. 

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