‘How to Murder Your Husband’ author guilty of hubby’s murder

How to murder your husband and get caught — tell your cellmate about it.

Nancy Crampton Brophy, 71, was convicted of second-degree murder on Wednesday for the 2018 slaying of her husband, 63-year-old chef Daniel Brophy, after telling her cellmate about the killing.

Multnomah County jury delivered its verdict on the “How to Murder Your Husband” author Wednesday morning after a five-week-long trial, according to the Portland Eater.

Nancy’s cellmate, Anndrea Jacobs, testified on May 18, telling prosecutors that the romance novelist had described in detail the distance at which she shot her husband.

Gesturing to the jury, Jacobs held out her arms to signify the distance between Nancy and her deceased husband and said, “She told me that he was shot two times to the heart and that … she showed me the distance.”

Jacobs told authorities that her relationship with Nancy became “very awkward” after the exchange.

Nancy had shot her husband in the back and then while he was on the floor in 2018 at the Oregon Culinary Institute where he worked, according to police.

The romance writer shot her husband in the back at the Oregon Culinary Institute.
Dave Killen/The Oregonian via AP, Pool, File Photo

Prosecutors said that Nancy had purchased the same make and model of the gun that was used in the murder of her husband, and believe that she had swapped out the barrel of the gun to make the weapon harder to trace.

The defense claimed that Nancy’s gun purchase was for research in her work as a novelist. However, that claim didn’t seem to hold up with the jury.

In addition to the essay “How to Murder Your Husband,” Nancy Crampton Brophy had written another novel titled “The Wrong Husband.”

The convicted novelist and self-tattletale has yet to be sentenced.

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