Alabama mom, Tierra Tocorra Hill, arrested after cocaine found in child’s bag

An Alabama mom was arrested after sheriff deputies discovered two kilos of cocaine stuffed inside the blue Nike backpack that her 3-year-old was wearing.

Mobile County Sheriff deputies arrested Tierra Tocorra Hill, 35, after they discovered $450,000 worth of narcotics and multiple firearms during a search of her car and home, according to WKRG.

Deputies with the narcotics team had received a tip about the mom having large amounts of drugs inside the home she shared with her four children, ages 3, 8, 10 and 15, and began surveillance of the house.

Tierra Tocorra Hill was arrested and charged with charged with trafficking cocaine, second-degree possession of marijuana, tampering with physical evidence and four counts of chemical endangerment of a child.

They waited until Hill left in her car and then pulled her over in a traffic stop. They searched the vehicle and allegedly found 1.5 kilograms of cocaine, a handgun and a small amount of marijuana, the local CBS affiliate station reported.

But that discovery only touched the surface.

The narcotics investigators were granted a search warrant for Hill’s home, which they executed shortly after.

Inside the home, they met the toddler with the blue backpack. They searched the bag and allegedly discovered 2 kilograms of cocaine inside.

“It’s safe to say that the 3-year-old probably did not put the drugs in the backpack,” Mobile County Sheriff Paul Burch told the local news station. “Each kilo is 2.2 pounds and they commonly refer to that as a brick, so you got two bricks in the backpack being worn by a three-year-old.”

Police found three kilograms of cocaine inside two separate bags belonging to the mother’s children.
Police searched Hill’s vehicle and allegedly found 1.5 kilograms of cocaine, a handgun and a small amount of marijuana.

The deputies found another kilogram and two handguns inside another backpack in the house as well.

The four children were inside the home at the time with no adults present. The drugs and guns were easily accessible to the kids, the sheriff’s office noted.

“Say making a poor decision, I think that’s giving too much credit. I think she made a deliberate decision,” Burch said.

The drugs and guns were easily accessible to the kids.

“I think she made a deliberate decision to ride around with substantial amounts of drugs and a firearm in her car and leave her children home unintended with even more cocaine and more drugs, so that’s a deliberate action, not a poor decision,” the sheriff added.

Hill was charged with trafficking cocaine, second-degree possession of marijuana, tampering with physical evidence and four counts of chemical endangerment of a child.

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