Astrology explains attraction between Donald and Melania Trump

From controversy and cold shoulders to rumored affairs and renegotiated prenups, the relationship between Donald and Melania Trump is an enduring source of fascination and public speculation.

Most recently, sources told Page Six that Melania has been the main influence behind the former president’s weight loss, helping him to eat healthier and shed weight, literal if not metaphorical.

What is it about the high cheekbones and stern strategy of this brunette that makes the most obstinate man in modern memory bow to her will and grasp for her hand? And what makes her stay the course on a road that has been pocked with insult, injury and outrage? What may seem head-scratching is actually star-driven as each offers an element the other lacks.

And so, we’ll be lending an astrological lens to this partnership/marriage/transactional agreement in an attempt to glean what drew these two creatures together and what ties keep them bound to one another.

Trump was born under a full moon on June 16, 1946, making him a can’t shut the f–k up Gemini sun with a reckless, controversial cowboy Sagittarius moon. This innate opposition between his solar and lunar self helps to explain his polarizing personality.

This dude has Mercury, planet of mental processing and verbal exchange, in moody, ever-changing Cancer, a sure-fire mark of someone who mistakes feelings for facts. Add to the cauldron that he has Mars, planet of will and war, in Leo in his first house of the self.

Any planet in the first house is hyper-present in the personality of the individual. Mars in Leo folks are proud and posturing, real deal child stars, all press is good press, I’d rather be dead than irrelevant energy. Mars in Leo in the first equals fighting for fun and fighting for attention — with no subtlety in sight. Woof. 

Meanwhile, former First Lady Melania was born on April 26, 1970, making her an embodied, luxury-lapping Taurus sun. Her Mercury, Venus and Saturn also fall in the pleasure-seeking pastures of the bull.

An unstable, insatiable Gemini like Donald Trump seeks stability in a double earth sign like Melania. REUTERS

Melania’s birth time is not available to commoners like me, and thus, her moon could be in the late degrees of Sagittarius or the early degrees of Capricorn. I put my plebeian pay stubs on a sea goat lunar placement for this broad.

The Capricorn moon is steadfast but not sentimental. We see this in Melania, who continues to stand by her man while refusing to hold his hand. 

Why, you ask? Because a Capricorn moon is about strategy, baby, investing scrupulously and playing the cards they know will pay off. There’s conquest energy here, as the Cap moon seeks to secure a future it can count on and a foundation of wealth it can build on.

The Capricorn moon is steadfast but not sentimental. We see this in Melania, who continues to stand by her man while refusing to hold his hand. 

Trump is every bit the embodiment of his chaotic birth chart. REUTERS

Elemental attraction

This is a relationship of elemental deficits where each individual has an abundance of what the other lacks: Donald, in a surprise to absolutely no one, has nary an earth placement in his birth chart. He’s unmoored, he’s ungrounded, and he’s scrambling for the kind of stern stability a quadruple earth sign like Melania offers.

Donald, in a surprise to absolutely no one, has nary a grounding, practical earth placement in his birth chart. He’s not even off his rocker so much as free-falling and solar-flaring, scrambling for the kind of stern stability a quadruple earth sign offers.

Comparatively, Melania has zero fire nor water among her personal planets, which serves to explain why she’s so good at looking cold and unattainable. What draws her to Donald, other than his ability to provide, is her Mars in Gemini.

Mars represents the masculine archetype we are seeking to find in another person, and for Mel, that is someone hyper-verbal and anti-boredom — with an elastic relationship to the truth and no fear of speaking their diluted version of it. The initial draw lies in this commonality.

Melania’s tolerance for Trump can be traced to her Mars in Gemini. REUTERS

Why are they still together?

If ever there was a sign inclined towards a transactional marriage, it’s Taurus. Rulers of the second house of values and possessions, wealth and worth, bulls put a premium on comfort.

The shadow side of Taurus is materialism — a need to acquire more when they are feeling less and the tendency to trade personal growth for supposed security.

Since they are creatures of habit that prefer living the high life at home, it tracks that a bull like Melania would evade the spotlight, take space from her headline-hungry husband, and choose to stay in NYC in the lofty confines of Trump Tower, rather than tag along for the bright lights and emotional grind of the campaign trail.

This chick knows the score and will get hers no matter the cost. Tragic or enterprising? It’s all a matter of perspective.

While she may be weary of the public eye, one thing Melania ain’t is a pawn in the game.

In 2005, she addressed a business class at New York University. A student asked the supermodel if she would still be with Trump if he was not rich. “If I weren’t beautiful,” she replied, “do you think he’d be with me?” Zing. This chick knows the score and will get hers no matter the cost. Tragic or enterprising? It’s all a matter of perspective.

Melania is a money-minded, beauty as business Taurus. AP

A tale of spite and loyalty

Tauruses get a lot of credit for their deep-seated loyalty, and they are loyal — up until the point they are betrayed. Then, folks, all bets are off.

You see, a Taurus who has been stung is a creature so gassed up on spite that they will remain in an unsatisfactory relationship for YEARS to exact a long-term plan of punishment and payout — including, but not limited to, a starvation diet, public spurning and the securement of a favorable settlement.

A Taurus will remain in an unsatisfactory relationship for YEARS to exact a long-term plan of punishment.

The Trumps depart the White House for Baltimore on May 25, 2020. Getty Images

Unsolicited opinion: These two will stay the course as long as it serves both of their interests (her’s fiscally, his publicly). His Venus in Cancer and her dense concentration of Taurus placements suggest that these two will hold on tight to the institution, if not each other — for them, the toxic tried and true beats the curious, dangerous expanse of the unknown.

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. She is also an accomplished writer who has profiled a variety of artists and performers, as well as extensively chronicled her experiences while traveling. Among the many intriguing topics she has tackled are cemetery etiquette, her love for dive bars, Cuban Airbnbs, a “girls guide” to strip clubs and the “weirdest” foods available abroad.

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