Biden admits to Netanyahu ‘come to Jesus meeting’ caught on hot-mic

President Biden admitted to making an awkward hot-mic comment about having a “come to Jesus meeting” with Benjamin Netanyahu — and said the Israeli Prime Minister is “hurting Israel” by not doing more to protect Palestinian civilians.

Speaking with MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart in an interview Saturday, Biden insisted that the puzzling remark he was recorded saying after his State of the Union speech was just a Delaware expression.

“What I meant was it’s an expression used in the southern part of my state, meaning a serious meeting. And it was — I’ve known Bibi for 50 years and he knew what I meant by it,” Biden said, after angrily dodging questions about the comment the day prior.

Biden was caught on a hot make saying Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu needs a “come to Jesus meeting.” C-SPAN
Biden said Netanyahu is “hurting Israel” by not protecting civilians in Gaza. REUTERS

The president, 81, made the comment about the Jewish state’s head of government while talking with lawmakers following his State of the Union address — asking Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) to keep it mum.

“I told him, ‘Bibi’ — and don’t repeat this, but [I said] ‘You and I are going to have a come to Jesus—’,” Biden began as an aide rushed over to stop him from saying more, exclaiming “Sir!” and whispering in his ear.

“I’m on a hot mic here,” Biden said out loud after the aide conveyed his message, adding sarcastically, “Good. That was good.”

Biden told Carhart Saturday that he wants a six-week ceasefire in Gaza, where more than 30,000 Palestinians have reportedly been killed since Hamas launched its Oct. 7 attack on Israel, killing 1,200 and taking hundreds of hostages.

Biden stated Netanyahu is “hurting Israel more than helping Israel” and its perception by the aggressive military response in the enclave. While Biden supports Israel’s right to pursue Hamas, he said Netanyahu “must pay more attention to the innocent lives being lost as a consequence of the actions taken.”

Biden said that he wants to see a six-week ceasefire in Gaza and an exchange of hostages. REUTERS

Biden said of the death toll in Gaza, “It’s contrary to what Israel stands for. And I think it’s a big mistake.”

“I want to see a ceasefire,” the president continued. “And I’m starting with a major, major exchange of prisoners for a six-week period.”

“And look, I’ve spoken with the majority of the Arab leaders from Saudi Arabia to Egypt to Jordan, they’re all prepared to fully recognize Israel and begin to rebuild the region,” he added.

He said it’s “possible” that a ceasefire could happen by the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which starts on Monday. 

Biden said that an Israeli invasion into Raffah, a city in southern Gaza where more than 1.3 millions are sheltering, would cross a “red line” – but added he would never cut off weapons like the Iron Dome missile interceptors which protect the Israeli civilian populace from rocket attacks in the region.

“I’m never going to leave Israel. The defense of Israel is still critical, so there’s no red line I’m going to cut off all weapons so they don’t have the Iron Dome to protect them,” he said.

Biden said he would even be willing to go back to Israel to address its parliament, the Knesset, and lobby for a stoppage in the fighting, although he declined to say how such a visit would materialize.

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