Biden says favorite White House memory is grandkids jumping into his bed

WASHINGTON — President Biden said Monday that his favorite memory of his time in the White House has been his grandchildren “sneaking up” and “jumping in bed with us.”

The 81-year-old president, whose grandchildren are mostly adults, shared the bizarre reflection in an interview with Al Roker for NBC’s “Today” show ahead of the annual White House Easter Egg Roll.

“As far as your memory of this house … what are your favorite memories about this place?” Roker asked Biden.

“Our kids jumping in bed with us,” Biden initially replied, before correcting himself.

“Our grandkids, when they’re down here, just sneaking up and jumping in bed with us,” the president said. “That’s my favorite memory here. They love it.

“They love wandering through the halls. They love — there are two floors upstairs, a lot of bedrooms, it’s a private residence,” Biden went on. “And they just love coming down.”

Biden has seven grandchildren, six of whom he has met and five of whom are legal adults.

The sixth, his son Hunter’s toddler Beau, is frequently seen with the president in public, including ahead of a family vacation over Easter weekend to Camp David in Maryland.

Biden has a long habit of telling personal anecdotes in an attempt to relate to his audiences that don’t add up — such as presenting his uncle with a Purple Heart, of which there is no record, and claiming repeatedly that Delaware firefighters saved first lady Jill Biden from a house fire that the local fire department dismissed as a minor kitchen blaze.

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