British Open 2022 snooker LIVE – Judd Trump loses to Mark Allen, Mark Selby produces a 147 against Lisowski

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Join us again tomorrow for the quarterfinals of the 2022 British Open. Night night!

Around the tables

British Open

Allen edges out Trump in nervy encounter to set up Selby quarter-final


Anthony Hamilton 3-4 Yuan Sijun

Graeme Dott 2-3 Ryan Day

Noppon Saengkham 4-0 Jordan Brown

Mark Allen beats Judd Trump

What a mini-epic that was. At the get-go it looked as though Mark Allen would walk it, but blew a good chance for 3-0 and Judd came roaring back at him. A nip and tuck encounter thereafter went to a decider, and despite a deficit of 38 points in the final frame Mark dug out the result with some gritty matchplay snooker. He’ll now go on to face Mark Selby in the quarterfinals.

Trump 3-4 Allen

Mark finds a superb snooker on the final red, which Judd escapes from but sticks up over the right middle. Surely now Mark will convert this. He pots red then brown, so the green will be frame ball on the colours. My days it’s tense out there, but Mark calmly does the necessary and takes up to the brown. Judd concedes, and Mark has just about edged a quality contest!

Trump 3-3 Allen (38-55)

Mark drops nicely on the final red near the bottom cushion…and he’s rattled it out of the jaws! Oh my word. He only needed black and yellow from there, and he was home! Amazingly though, he’s covered it, though Judd’s escape is superb. What a tense finish we’ve got on our hands here.

Trump 3-3 Allen (38-40)

Crikey this is tense. Mark has lost position slightly a couple of times already, but keeps recovering. A long red to the green pocket settles things down, and he’s on the blue and back in control. Judd’s lead has gone and there are three reds left, all in the open.

Trump 3-3 Allen (38-11)

Mark is playing cautiously here, while with a decent-ish lead Judd is trying to play more aggressive safety to force the issue. Eventually Mark leaves a red in the jaws of the bottom left but he’s covered that and everything else; that’s a fluke that has dropped Judd in all sorts. He tries an audacious swerve to pot the red in the jaws, misses, and canons into another red. Mark is in, hand on table, and has a huge chance here. He’s cold at the table though, can he cash it in? Mark quickly brings the pink into play after potting the green, and it’s a real test of nerve from here.

Trump 3-3 Allen (38-0)

Judd reaches 31 by hammering in the blue and going into the pack; the white skids off the side of the pink and doesn’t bring much into play, but there is a red on to the yellow pocket and Judd absolutely creams it in. He looks full of confidence here, but soon loses the white and it’s end of break on 38.

Trump 3-3 Allen (19-0)

It’s a cautious start to this decider, with barely any balls moved away from the pack and some very tentative safety from both players. The deadlock is eventually broken when Judd picks out a plant to the bottom right, then booms the yellow long into its own pocket. Can he craft a chance and take frame and match here, having been behind all night? He’s developed a few more reds, and a more definitive whack of the pack shortly could open this right up.

Around the tables

Anthony Hamilton 3-3 Yuan Sijun

Graeme Dott 2-2 Ryan Day

Noppon Saengkham 3-0 Jordan Brown

Trump 3-3 Allen

Judd sails serenely over the winning line, and then over the century mark; eventually he goes in-off from the brown, ending his break on 109 but teeing up a dramatic conclusion.

Trump 2-3 Allen (50-0)

There goes the half-ton as Judd zones in on a quick kill. The pink is in baulk but blue and black are both on, with all remaining reds in the open. Were I you, I’d settle in for a one-frame shoot out.

Trump 2-3 Allen (30-0)

Judd drains a long red and goes up for the blue, clearly intent on taking this argument all the way. Within a heartbeat he’s rattled in 30 points, and there’s plenty on for him here. Any miss could be curtains, but this looks destined to go to a decider from here.

Trump 2-3 Allen

A black to bottom left is frame ball and goes, followed by a red to the same pocket to truly put the frame to bed. All of a sudden it’s Mark that looks in rhythm and Judd has gone off the boil; a break of 49 puts Mark one away from victory.

Trump 2-2 Allen (7-45)

This is getting edgy now. Mark loses the white again, forcing him into a difficult cut on a red to bottom right and he’s missed it badly. Judd’s gone off the boil too, and after picking off a red he misses a tough cut on black to bottom right to hand the advantage back to Mark.

Trump 2-2 Allen (6-17)

Mark gets a red down but lands tight to the right rail, and doesn’t fancy betting the frame on the black. It looks a sensible call as a few shots later Judd leaves him a red to the bottom right, but Mark rattles it out of the jaws and he’s left it. Just as Judd looks set to turn the screw though, on six he cues across a simple pink to right middle and he’s missed it! Yikes. Now Mark has a chance to punish that heavily, and jam the brakes on Judd’s revival.

Trump 2-2 Allen

A little bit of naughty snooker later, it’s all square and now best of three for a place in the last eight.

Trump 1-2 Allen (57-9)

A pink to bottom right gets Judd over the line in this one with three reds left. He then misses one of the remaining reds to the green pocket, leaving Mark needing two snookers. He pots one red-black combo, but leaves Judd a red to right middle and that should be that.

Trump 1-2 Allen (32-1)

After running to the right rail Judd tries to regain position by firing the black into the left middle, but the left middle isn’t having it and launches the ball back out. Mark seems out of rhythm now, and can only respond with a solitary red. A long, long safety battle follows on the final seven reds, before Mark breaks the deadlock by taking on a red to the yellow pocket. Trump left that for Mark, a calculated gamble that pays off when Mark rattles it out of the jaws and leaves Judd on a red to the right middle.

Trump 1-2 Allen (22-0)

Judd’s away first in frame four, and makes 21 before failing to find position on pink or black when trusting to luck going through the pack. Mark then gets a huge slice, making a complete hash of a safety and leaving the white welded to a red that’s blocking the path to one over the bottom left. No matter; Judd fires a tough red into the right middle, and he’s on the blue.

Trump 1-2 Allen

That was the first really significant moment of the match, as Judd goes on to take the frame.

Trump 0-2 Allen (53-53)

Mark completed his half-century with a pink and drops in behind the final red near the right rail. He takes it long to the yellow pocket but misses by a big margin, and Judd has dodged one there. He doesn’t half make Mark pay either; the final red flies into yellow pocket, and the green thereafter levels the frame. If he can dish to the blue, he’s on the board.

Trump 0-2 Allen (49-23)

Oof, how big a miss could this be in the match? Judd decelerates on a black to the bottom right and leaves it hanging in the jaws. One tiny cluster of reds below the pink spot will need a tickle to achieve it, but this is a big chance for Mark to punish that error. He looks so focused here, and has taken a chunk of Judd’s lead out already.

Trump 0-2 Allen (40-0)

Judd drives in a long red, followed by a thin cut on a black to the bottom right. He gambled everything on that. It’s a battle for position early on but he seems to have it now. So far, he’s potted five reds and five blacks; we couldn’t get another one, could we?

Around the tables

Lyu Haotian 4-1 Matthew Stevens

Jamie Jones 4-2 Ben Woollaston

Robbie Williams 4-3 Steven Hallworth

Trump 0-2 Allen

Mark clears up to and including the pink, and he’s really outplaying Judd here.

Trump 0-1 Allen (29-67)

Mark brings up a half-century with the black. If he can pot the two open reds of the remaining three with colours, he’s home and hosed. Sure enough, Mark picks them off, red-pink and then red-black, before playing the final red safe. Judd needs one snooker, but immediately sticks the red up over the bottom right and we’re done here.

Trump 0-1 Allen (29-29)

Mark booms in a stunning red to the left middle, and he’s just about on the stray black to the same pocket. What a shot that was! Judd’s lead soon disappears, can Mark keep going here and take another one?

Trump 0-1 Allen (29-0)

Judd misses a long red at the start of frame two, leaving it over the bottom left but covering it with the green. Mark has no choice but to try and bash it out of the way with another red, which he achieves but leaves a gimme to the yellow pocket. Judd is away, and a good pot on the black while having to bridge high over a red takes him to 28. He can only add another red though before losing position, and then missing a brutally tough black to left middle soon after.

Trump 0-1 Allen

Mark empties the table for a 68 to take the first frame.

Trump 0-0 Allen (58-17)

A loose shot from Judd means he’s not on his intended red below the pack, and it’s end of break. An even looser safety leaves Mark on a red to right middle, and this could be very costly. All remaining reds disappear double quick, and he only now needs yellow and green for the opening frame.

Trump 0-0 Allen (24-17)

It’s an opening for Mark, as Judd catches a safety too thick and leaves a red on over the bottom right. That goes, and Mark quickly gets the black back on its spot but can’t find an angle to his next red. From his safety he leaves Judd a red to bottom right as a shot to nothing, and in it goes. This chance might stick, and Judd is quickly in amongst it here, on 20 and counting

Trump 0-0 Allen (4-9)

Judd glides in the first red of the night but can’t land on the black from it. He gets a touch a few shots later though, fluking both a red and ideal position on the yellow to come back down the table, but again can’t develop the chance any further. Allen then gets a red down, and eight in fouls from his snooker that follows.


We’ve got you. Judd Trump and Mark Allen are at the baize and ready to go.

Quarterfinal draw

It’s the Angles and Talker show again, as Alan McManus and Rob Walker conduct the draw for the last eight. This is how it looks:

Mark Selby v Judd Trump/Mark Allen

Noppon Saengkham/Jordan Brown v Jamie Jones/Ben Woollaston

Graeme Dott/Ryan Day v Anthony Hamilton/Yuan Sijun

Robbie Williams/Steven Hallworth v Lyu Haotian

I know what you’re thinking re: the top one, and I concur.

Around the tables

Anthony Hamilton 2-2 Yuan Sijun

Graeme Dott 2-0 Ryan Day

Noppon Saengkham 1-0 Jordan Brown

Mark Selby is through to the quarterfinals

Watch out, snooker world; Mark is back. After a tough season in 2021/22 exacerbated by problems away from the table, Mark looks right on it in Milton Keynes. He played well in the World Mixed Doubles at the weekend and has looked sharp all week, prior to annihilating Jack Lisowski here this evening. A stunning performance bookended with a maximum and a 117 has put him through to the last eight, and he looks a good bet to win the title.

Selby 3-1 Lisowski

Mark started it with a ton – the heaviest one possible, and he’ll be ending it with one here too. The black takes him to the round 100 and he nudges the final red into play. Everything else follows and he rounds off a superb performance with a break of 117.

Selby 3-1 Lisowski (73-0)

Mark splits the final cluster of reds below the pink, and he’s on the black. That goes too, taking him to 73 and counting, and this one is over. What a performance it’s been from the Jester.

Selby 3-1 Lisowski (58-0)

Mark gets the first chance of frame five, and he really isn’t hanging about here. He drills a red in long, and quickly sets about stitching together a break he hopes might win the frame. This is lights out stuff from both players, and Jack could be going out here; Mark is over a half-ton already and right in the groove.

Selby 3-1 Lisowski

Jack does indeed sort the frame, registering a superb 119 to peg a frame back.

Selby 3-0 Lisowski (0-50)

Jack brushes the pack after potting the pink to reach 49, moving more reds into play. The half-century arrives and he’s stitched these together well; the frame should follow from here.

Selby 3-0 Lisowski (0-30)

Mark gets a double kiss on a safety at the start of frame four, and he has a chance here. On 24 he loses position after going in and out of baulk off the blue, but recovers it with an excellent deadweight red to the green pocket.

Around the tables

Lyu Haotian 3-1 Matthew Stevens

Jamie Jones 2-0 Ben Woollaston

Robbie Williams 2-1 Stuart Hallworth

Selby 3-0 Lisowski

I’ll say he’s in trouble; Mark dishes up the necessary, and he only needs one more for a place in the quarters.

Selby 2-0 Lisowski (57-46)

A black puts Mark ahead in the frame, from which he shifts one of the two remaining reds off the left rail and into a potting position. He can’t quite shift the final red a few shots later though, but flukes a snooker when his attempted double goes awry. Jack’s escape leaves the red on to the bottom right, and he’s bang in trouble here.

Selby 2-0 Lisowski (28-46)

Jack’s first split of the pack doesn’t shift much, but he still lands on a red and finds a better split a few shots later. From it though he misses a tough cut on a red to bottom right, and he’s given Mark a real chance to counter here. There are two awkward reds near the rail on each side, but there’s enough on for Mark to start clawing back the deficit. He really is playing well; a superb, deadweight pink to the right middle keeps his break going after losing position.

Selby 2-0 Lisowski (0-30)

Can Jack hit back here? A long red into the bottom left is a good way to start, and he’s on the blue. Jack looked in good touch in taking the last frame to a respotted block, and he’s quickly piled on 30 and counting already here.

Selby 2-0 Lisowski

It’s a tentative little stanza, until Jack leaves a natural double to the right middle. Mark, a noted pool player, needs no second invitation and authoritatively blams the black off the cushion and into the pocket for the frame!

Selby 1-0 Lisowski (57-57)

Jack drains a long yellow, and if he can mop the colours here we’ll have a respotted black. He duly does mop up said colours, and we’ve got more drama in a match overloaded with it so far.

Selby 1-0 Lisowski (57-30)

The final red is frame ball. Mark drops in behind it and wriggles it – just – into the bottom right. He can’t follow with the blue though, and Jack returns to the table needing one snooker to tie. Immediately, he gets one tight behind the blue and whaddya know – it’s a rare failure from Mark, who slides by the red and Jack can now tie.

Selby 1-0 Lisowski (41-26)

The break hits 40, but when trying to drive through a cluster near the pink Mark ends up on nothing and it’s end of break. Lisowski responds with a long red but can’t find position on a colour, but gets in for a real a few shots later with a long red into the bottom right. He quickly rattles off 25, inclusive of a red down the left rail after switching to playing right-handed, before missing a shocker of a black off its spot. He may have just lobbed the frame to Mark here.

Selby 1-0 Lisowski (25-0)

Wow. Has any other maximum been completed utilising a treble? I can’t think of one. At the start of frame two Mark gets down a solitary red but no more, but then gets a good scoring chance when Jack misses a thin red to right middle. Mark taps in a red to bottom left, and with the black on into both corners this is a real chance to score heavily.

Selby 1-0 Lisowski

We’ve been saying it all week; he’s back! Mark empties the table for a maximum, to a thunderous reception in Milton Keynes! Chapeau, sir! Jack congratulates him, and that’s Mark’s fourth maximum of his glittering career. Tremendous stuff!

Selby 0-0 Lisowski (108-8)

This is another beaut from Mark, who drops in behind the final red to right middle, pots it and he’s perfect on the black. That goes, and he’s on the yellow. It’s the colours for the maxi, and only the green is slightly off its spot…

Selby 0-0 Lisowski (108-8)

What a shot! After running out of position when trying to land on a red on the bottom rail, Mark trebles it into the left middle! He’s played that for sure, and he keeps on trucking. The ton is up, and he’s got two reds left.

Selby 0-0 Lisowski (84-8)

That’s now ten reds and blacks, and the frame is in the bag. Everyone in the Marshall Arena has other things on their mind though. Come on Mark! The two problem balls here are two reds near the bottom cushion, can he get on them?

Selby 0-0 Lisowski (52-8)

It’s six reds and blacks so far form Mark, who has raced to 48 here. Will he pursue the maxi? It’s a slightly awkward spread from which to take it on, but it’s there if he wants to go for it.

Selby 0-0 Lisowski (12-8)

Jack gives away four after missing a thin contact safety, but Mark gives the points back a few shots later plus another four. As he can see another red from baulk, Mark then has to play a different shot or risk losing the frame. This time he leaves a red on, but Jack can’t clip it in to the bottom right and this is an absolute gift for Mark, who is up and away with a re and black.

Here we go

Tahir Hajat, our MC tonight, brings the players out into the arena. It’s best-of-seven for a place in the quarter-finals.

Jack and the Jester

Can Jack get over the line soon? He’s the current world number 12, and has been a runner-up in six ranking event finals in his career; that makes him surely the best player on the tour without a title to his name. And Mark? Tons of them mate. Four worlds and nine Triple Crowns, and 20 ranking event wins in total. This should be a tasty one.


Oh, it’s hotting up now. Welcome to live coverage of the finale on the fourth round of the British Open in Milton Keynes, where we’ve got a couple of bangers for you tonight. Later on, we’ll be getting wired in to Judd Trump against Mark Allen; before then, we’ve got Mark Selby against Jack Lisowski. Quite the pre-drinks, I’m sure you’ll agree.

Thanks for joining us

We will be back at 6.45pm tonight with Mark Selby facing Jack Lisowski for a place in the last eight. After that encounter, we have more from Judd Trump, who is set to face fellow former Masters champion Mark Allen unless Gary Wilson can mount a rousing recovery. Allen leads 3-0 with breaks of 98, 52 and 82 in that encounter.


15:55 – Around the tables

  • Ding Junhui 2-4 Robbie Williams
  • Craig Steadman 2-4 Matthew Stevens
  • Jimmy Robertson 1-4 Ryan Day
  • Zhao Xintong 4-1 Noppon Saengkham
  • Jordan Brown 3-1 Yan Bingtao
  • Mark Allen 3-0 Gary Wilson

Trump 3-0 Xu (93-24)

Xu needing one snooker with one red left up, but that isn’t going to happen. Trump is through to the last 16. Breaks of 53, 62 and 130 more than enough to get job done for the 2019 world champion. We’ll see him tonight in the last 16. A comprehensive 4-0 victory.

Trump 3-0 Xu (53-24)

Trump seeking two reds and two pinks to leave Xu needing snookers.

Trump 3-0 Xu (30-24)

Attempt at a plant on reds by Trump, but not there. Always left jaw. And that might be his final throw of the dice in this match. Trump with table at his mercy.

Trump 3-0 Xu (30-24)

Trump looking for one more frame to secure a meeting with Gary Wilson or Mark Allen this evening in last 16. Can Xu extend this contest for another frame? At table, but pack of reds are tied up with seven left on table.

Trump 2-0 Xu (130-0)

Misses black, but it goes down the opposite pocket. This is glorious from Trump. A superb run of 130 with the clearance up to pink and he moves three clear in race to four.

Trump 2-0 Xu (97-0)

Opens up three reds on side rail and the ton is right on now. At his shot-making brilliant best out there.

Trump 2-0 Xu (74-0)

Trump looking very comfortable as break hits the half-century mark. Enough in the open to finalise a 3-0 lead, but just runs out of position again at key time. In goes red before holing a brilliant black to continue break. This is going to be 3-0. Chance of a century perhaps.

Trump 2-0 Xu (21-0)

Exquisite pick out from Trump to slot a red to a centre pocket. Chance to embark upon another scoring spree with Xu confined to his chair.

Trump 2-0 Xu (0-0)

Bout of tactical exchanges early in this third frame. Xu attempts a long red, but rattles the jaws. Trump misses red to a centre pocket, but no damage done as white runs safe to the red in baulk.

Trump 1-0 Xu (88-0)

This frame is a done deal. Xu needing two snookers, but looks a forlorn hope as Trump thumps away a corking long red. Halfway to the last 16 as we stand.

Trump 1-0 Xu (62-0)

A fine break of 62 from Trump to go with 53 in this first frame. Xu can’t slot a tough long red as Trump returns surely to tidy up for a 2-0 lead. The 2019 world champion looks to be motoring nicely.

15:10 – Around the tables

  • Ding Junhui 2-4 Robbie Williams
  • Craig Steadman 2-2 Matthew Stevens
  • Jimmy Robertson 1-4 Ryan Day
  • Zhao Xintong 4-1 Noppon Saengkham
  • Jordan Brown 2-0 Yan Bingtao

Ding suffering a shock defeat to Robbie Williams. Ding contributed 62 and 86, but his opponent opened with a 96 and finished with breaks of 73 and 53 to reach the last 16.

Trump 1-0 Xu (47-0)

Trump again making a fast start to the second frame. Edging that first frame has certainly not done his sense of well-being any harm. Looks to be in good touch around the black.

Trump 1-0 Xu (8-0)

24-year-old Xu’s best run at a ranking event was reaching the semi-finals of the 2017 Indian Open where he lost 4-2 to John Higgins. He is ranked world No. 75. Trump with a fabulous long red at the outset of the second frame.

Trump 0-0 Xu (60-49)

Tricky blue to middle pocket. Knocks it in. Mid-range pink as break reaches 48. Needs two more balls to pinch the frame. But can’t slot the pink. And Trump tidies up the pink for a 1-0 lead. Xu almost there, but not quite with the pressure huge on that pink.

Trump 0-0 Xu (54-40)

Xu moves to 27 with one red left up. Tricky on side cushion. Out with the rest and extension as he trickles it in. Break continues to the colours. This would be a massive first frame, but blue is tied up in baulk. Problem ball, but he dislodges it via the yellow. What a chance now.

Trump 0-0 Xu (54-1)

These two have only met once previously with Trump emerging a 5-1 winner in the first round of the 2017 China Championship. Five reds left up after Trump can’t pot a tough green. Chance for the young Chinese player to launch a counter attack.

Trump 0-0 Xu (53-1)

This is trademark Trump. Could be a one-visit hit to get his day up and running, but can’t open the reds via the pink and is forced to declare on 52. Xu must have been fearing worst there, but frame not over after he butchered the pink at pace. No pot on pink, but pack didn’t really split either.

Trump 0-0 Xu (39-1)

The world No. 2 is right at it early on. Break moves effortlessly to 39. Winner of this match will face Mark Allen or Gary Wilson later tonight in last 16.

Trump 0-0 Xu (1-1)

We are off and running with the tournament favourite Judd Trump. Xu Si with a banging long red, but then misses the black off the spot. Can’t be missing too many of these today. Trump picks out red to centre pocket in response.

Welcome back to Milton Keynes

Judd Trump will be the headline act at the British Open this afternoon with the Bristolian in action against Xu Si on Thursday.

Join us shortly for our live text updates from the event with Zhao Xintong v Noppon Saengkham another key match to follow.

Today’s schedule


  • Ding Junhui [49] v Robbie Williams [60]
  • Craig Steadman [59] v Matthew Stevens [55]
  • Jimmy Robertson [63] v Ryan Day [27]
  • Zhao Xintong [64] v Noppon Saengkham [36]


  • Zhao Jianbo [50] v Yuan SiJun [67]
  • Yan Bingtao [53] v Jordan Brown [21]
  • Gary Wilson [55] v Mark Allen [13]
  • Xu Si [56] v Judd Trump [2]

O’Sullivan conqueror reveals sad reason for weight loss

Alexander Ursenbacher admitted earlier this week that the death of his pet cat prompted him to unintentionally shed weight ahead of his shock 4-1 win over Ronnie O’Sullivan in the British Open first round.

The Swiss world No. 63 enjoyed a third victory against the seven-time world champion in four career meetings on Monday evening with O’Sullivan remarkably off the boil and contributing a highest break of only 45 in the five frames.

Ursenbacher did not have to perform at peak levels to progress with timely runs of 69 and 51 enough to seal his progress after previously defeating the world No. 1 at the 2019 Welsh Open and 2020 UK Championship.

‘I hated it’ – O’Sullivan on why he did not enjoy winning seventh world title

“I have lost weight recently. My cat died in April and that helped because I was so upset I couldn’t eat anything. Then after that I didn’t put it back on,” he told reporters after securing a last-64 meeting with Joe O’Connor in Milton Keynes.

The former English Open semi-finalist said he was thrilled to claim the win with his mum in attendance for the first time at a professional event.

“I didn’t think my mum was ever going to come over and watch me because of her work schedule,” he commented.

“It surprised me when I saw her this morning, I was so happy and I thought there was no way I was going to give in tonight. I was really nervous all day, I was anxious and couldn’t eat.

“She’s the best mum you could wish for but that put pressure on me because I wanted to make her proud.”

– – –

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British Open

Selby makes fourth maximum break of his career in commanding victory over Lisowski


British Open

Trump powers past Xu to reach last 16 but Yan knocked out of British Open


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