‘Distressed’ man suffers amnesia after sex with wife
It was forgettable sex.
A 66-year-old Irish man was rushed to a hospital with short-term amnesia after an afternoon romp with his wife.
The unusual incident was analyzed in the Irish Medical Journal’s May issue, published Wednesday, with doctors declaring that sex is a trigger for short-term amnesia — officially as known as Transient Global Amnesia (TGA).
The Mayo Clinic defines TGA as a “sudden, temporary episode of memory loss that can’t be attributed to a more common neurological condition, such as epilepsy or stroke.”
In the case of the Irish man, the medical journal reports that he lost his short-term memory “within 10 minutes of sexual intercourse.”
After the sex romp, the man noticed the date on his phone and “became distressed that he had forgotten his wedding anniversary the day before.”
However, the man had actually celebrated the special occasion the previous evening — but had absolutely no recollection of it.
“He repetitively questioned his wife and daughter over the events of that morning and the previous day,” according to the journal.
The rare condition usually affects those between the ages 50 and 70, with their ability to recall recent events “simply vanishing.” Some people who experience TGA may fail to remember things that happened up to a year prior. Sufferers usually regain their memory within a few hours.
In this case, the affected man’s long-term memory remained intact, and he was able to state his name, age and other basic biographical details.
The man had previously experienced TGA back in 2015, with that episode also occurring shortly after sexual intercourse. He later regained his short-term memory.
Recognizing he was likely suffering from another TGA episode, the man went to a local emergency room, where a neurological examination returned “completely normal.” His memory again returned a short time later.
The authors of the Irish Medical Journal article — who work in the Department of Neurology at University Hospital Limerick — said that up to 10% of people who suffer TGA will suffer a subsequent episode.

The authors additionally assert that “precipitation of TGA has been linked with several activities including physical activity, immersion in cold or hot water, emotional stress, pain… and sexual intercourse.”
Although the incidents are scary for sufferers and their loved ones, TGA is not considered serious.
Speaking back in 2009, one expert said of TGA: “It’s not enough of a stimulus or deprivation that it permanently injures the brain. The brain recovers. There should be no deficit other than memory and it should be brief.”
Read the full article Here