Elderly Jewish couple attacked near Beverly Hills synagogue

A Jewish couple was attacked on their way to synagogue in Los Angeles on Saturday by a convict who allegedly screamed “give me your earrings, Jew” before beating the husband bloody with a belt.

Raphy, 75, and Rebecca, 70, who asked NBC LA to not use their last names out of fear of reprisal, told the outlet Sunday although the attack had badly rattled them they are more determined than ever to wear their faith proudly, even as antisemitic incidents across the US have increased in the wake of the Israel Defense Forces war on Hamas following their Oct. 7 terror attack against the country.

“I was really enraged, not because of the [injury] but because I was hit as a Jew,” Raphy said.

The alleged assault took place in Beverly Hills, Calif. Saturday morning when the man, identified by police as Jarris Jay Silagi, 44, approached the pair and demanded Rebecca’s earrings.

Silagi, who was arrested nearby shortly after, removed his belt to repeatedly strike Raphy.

Raphy, 75, and Rebecca, 70, who asked their last names not be reported, were the victims of an alleged antisemitic attack on their way to Beverly Hills Synagogue Dec. 9. NBC

“At first, it was a shock. There was a huge hard knock on my forehead here,” Raphy said in the NBC interview, gesturing to his head.

“And all of a sudden I saw the guy hitting my husband with a belt and screaming, ‘Give me your earrings, Jew,’” Rebecca told the outlet.

Bloodied and bruised, Raphy chased Silagi down the street as the would-be robber’s pants fell down, Rabbi Pini Dunner of Beverly Hills Synagogue told NBC.

The alleged attacker demanded Rebecca’s earrings, shouting “give me your earrings, Jew” before removing his belt to strike Raphy, leaving him with a laceration to the head. NBC

Raphy sustained a laceration to the head and was treated at the scene, police said. Dunner said after the attack Raphy “went home, changed shirt, and came back to synagogue” for a planned Torah reading, noting he’s a regular fixture at the place of worship.

Silagi was arrested and charged with assault with a deadly weapon, attempted robbery and elder abuse, according to Beverly Hills Police. The charges include a hate crime “enhancement” which could result in a lengthier prison sentence if he’s convicted.

“Our officers quickly apprehended the suspect and he is in custody,” said Beverly Hills Police Chief Mark Stainbrook.

“This despicable act of hate against a member of our community will not be tolerated.”

Raphy’s alleged attacker, Jarris Jay Silagi, 44, was arrested and charged with assault with a deadly weapon, attempted robbery and elder abuse, police said. NBC

According to NBC, Silagi was convicted of second-degree robbery in 2012 stemming from an incident where he tried to steal a patron’s phone at a Beverly Hills restaurant, for which he received a five-year prison sentence.

Police said he’s being held at the Los Angeles County Jail in lieu of $100,000 bail and is scheduled to appear in court Dec. 12.

It was not immediately known of Silagi had retained a lawyer.

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