Emily Gallagher appears at anti-Israel event sponsored by group being investigated for Hamas fundraising

Socialist Brooklyn Assemblywoman Emily Gallagher attended an anti-Israel phone bank sponsored by a group whose leaders have espoused vile antisemitic rhetoric and is under investigation by Virginia’s attorney general for potentially funding terrorists.

On Tuesday, Gallagher spoke at the online event organized by local chapters of the Democratic Socialists of America, and “guest sponsored” by the New Jersey chapter of American Muslims for Palestine.

The group’s parent body is being probed in Virginia for allegedly fundraising for Hamas. 

Critics slammed Gallagher for partnering with American Muslims for Palestine, whose national leaders have espoused antisemitic and anti-Israel rhetoric. Paul Martinka

“It’s painful to watch this war continue and it’s painful to feel solidarity with people who are struggling so much right now, but we cannot stop,” Gallagher, who represents Williamsburg, home to a large Hasidic Jewish population, said on the Zoom call Tuesday.

Former Brooklyn City Councilman David Greenfield, who runs the Met Council, the Big Apple’s largest Jewish charity, blasted the radical pol for her appearance.

“It’s shocking that Emily Gallagher, who represents one of the largest Jewish communities in America, would partner with people that are known for spreading actual blood libels about Jews,” Greenfield told The Post.

AMP’s national leaders have repeatedly demonstrated hatred for the Jewish people and Israel over the years.

The group’s chair and founder, Hatem Bazian, previously shared a cartoon featuring an Orthodox Jew with the caption “I can now kill, rape, smuggle organs & steal the land of Palestinians” and has on several occasions pushed the claim that Israel harvests people’s organs. 

Another national board member, Salah Sarsour, allegedly raised funds for the charity Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development that were intended for Hamas terrorists, according to a 2001 FBI memo that cited Israeli officials’ interview with Sarsour’s brother.

The charity’s former leaders were convicted in 2008 of funneling over $12 million to the terrorist group.

A spokesman for Gallagher declined to comment.

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