FirstFT: Russia vows to press on ‘until all the goals’ achieved in Ukraine

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Good morning. Russia will push on with the war in Ukraine until all military goals are met, the Kremlin said yesterday, as it responded to Kyiv’s counter-offensive that has reclaimed more than 3,000 sq km in the east.

The military setback has been the Kremlin’s largest in the conflict since it was forced to U-turn on plans to take the Ukrainian capital, and has led to a rising tide of recriminations in Moscow.

President Vladimir Putin had been fully briefed on the relocation of Russian forces, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told reporters. The defence ministry has acknowledged Russian troops were pulled back in the Kharkiv region, but authorities have avoided calling it a retreat.

Ukrainian troops yesterday worked to consolidate their gains. In Izyum, a logistics hub where thousands of Russian troops had been stationed, Ukrainian soldiers hoisted the national flag in the main square.

US officials expressed cautious optimism about the counteroffensive, while warning that the rapid advances had not fundamentally changed the near-term outlook on the battlefield.

The retreat of Moscow’s forces in the north-east has again exposed the weaknesses of the Russian military machine and its shortcomings in manpower, morale, intelligence and command.

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