Florida pastor, mixed martial arts master, arrested for alleged sex abuse of teens

A Florida pastor was arrested this week for allegedly having sex with two teen girls he met through his church and kung fu dojo, according to a police report.

Roberson Douge, 42, was booked into Brevard County jail Thursday after the alleged victims contacted police this week and accused him of predatory sexual behavior.

Douge serves as a pastor at Apostolic Church of Christ, and also owns the Tiger Claw Kung Fu Academy in Palm Bay, according to police papers.

Cops said one of the girls told her friend she was troubled by her relations with Douge, prompting the other to recount a similar experience with him.

Neither victim has been named because they are both under 18, but one victim told investigators she first met Douge after her family moved to Palm Bay and joined his church in 2019.

The teen, whose age was not specified, told police she often spent time with Douge’s family and he would engage in sexual activity with her while driving her back to home.

The second victim said she volunteered at his martial arts studio and they had relations in various places inside the location.

Florida pastor and martial artist Roberson Douge was arrested for allegedly having sex with two teenagers he met through his church and kung fu dojo.
Brevard County Sheriff’s Office

One of the teens told police that she confided to her boyfriend about the relationship and that he urged her to contact police.

Both teens eventually called cops, who set up a controlled call with Douge between week with one of them.

The pastor begged the girl not to tell anyone about his misconduct and apologized repeatedly.

Douge now faces 10 counts each of sexual battery on a victim between the ages of 12 and 16 and sexual battery on a victim between the ages of 16 and 17 by an offender older than 24.

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