Gaetz brags about making Congress a ‘living hell’ for GOP

Rep. Matt Gaetz boasted Friday about turning Congress into a “living hell” for “swamp rat” Republicans that act “like Democrats in drag” during a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference.  

“In Congress, I’m often excoriated, smeared, derided for exposing a corrupt system that has been weaponized against we the people,” the Florida Republican said.

“I have made it a living hell for the swamp rats, and many of them are retiring now.”

Gaez went on to revel in a report suggesting that his successful push to oust Kevin McCarthy from his House speakership position last October has contributed to a growing number of congressional Republicans deciding to retire early rather than seek re-election in 2024.  

“You’re welcome,” he told the hard-line conservative crowd. 

“Truth is, we can’t save the nation with the current Republican team,” Gaetz argued. “We have to get tougher, smarter, and we need newer, bolder voices in the United States Congress.” 

Gaetz argued that retiring House Republicans should be replaced by “‘America First patriots.” MEDIA ITE

The Sunshine State lawmaker signaled that “the next phase of our plan” is to replace the 23 GOP lawmakers that have opted against seeking another term, which includes five committee chairs, with “‘America First’ patriots,” or members fiercely aligned with former President Donald Trump.  

Gaetz, who is currently the subject of a House Ethics Committee investigation, called on the panel to take up reforms that would bar lawmakers from becoming lobbyists after leaving office and trading stocks while in office. 

Mike Johnson.
House Speaker Mike Johnson, right, replaced McCarthy in October after Gaetz successfully moved to strip him of his speakership. REUTERS

He also slammed the Republican ethics chairman — Rep. Michael Guest (R-Miss.) — claiming that the congressman has “become a brilliant stock trader while in office.”

Gaetz, who is rumored to be weighing a run for Florida governor in 2026, is being eyed by the ethics panel over allegations of sexual misconduct. 

“I’d prefer to just fight the Democrats,” the Republican firebrand said in closing.

“But if the Republicans are going to dress up like Democrats in drag then I will lead the fight against them too.” 

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