GWU students project messages in support of Hamas

A group of George Washington University students projected giant antisemitic pro-Hamas messages onto a library less than a mile from the White House.

Photos posted online by watchdog group StopAntisemitism show messages including “Glory to our martyrs” and “Divest from Zionist genocide now” projected onto the side of the Gelman Library for around two hours.

The messages, in giant letters, also included “Free Palestine from the river to the sea,” a rallying cry of Hamas widely interpreted as calling for the annihilation of Israel.

Others read, “GW, the blood of Palestinians is on your hands” and “Your tuition is funding genocide in Gaza,” as well as one accusing university president Ellen Granberg of being “complicit in genocide in Gaza.”

Campus police ultimately ticketed four students who were sitting outside the library with projection equipment, according to video posted to X.

“There’s a time and place for it,” the officer told them.

At that point, one student in a black mask starts arguing with the officer, claiming he and his friends are not violating any student policy or law.

George Washington University students displayed pro-Hamas messages on a library Tuesday night.
One of the messages displayed on the Gelman Library read “Glory to our martyrs.”
X / @StopAntisemites
Another read, “Free Palestine from the river to the sea,” a rallying cry interpreted as calling for the annihilation of Israel.
X / @StopAntisemites

“We’re not damaging any property,” the unidentified male student says. “It’s not physically on the side of the wall.”

But the officer calmly tells the students he is not going to argue with them — noting that they had been loitering for about an hour in front of the library, which is several blocks west of the White House.

He also said Dean of Students Colette Coleman advised university officials to stop the demonstration, which began at around 8 p.m. and was finished by 10 p.m., according to campus paper The GW Hatchet.

The officer explained that the university’s private status meant school officials could bar the group from displaying messages on the library, the namesakes of which — Melvin and Estelle Gelman — were prominent figures in DC’s Jewish community.

Video posted online showed a police officer speaking to the students responsible for the display.
X / @StopAntisemites

The members of the Students for Justice in Palestine then packed up their belongings, the student newspaper reports.

As they left, one student activist told a crowd that had gathered to watch the confrontation that the university has not taken action against student demonstrations in support of Israel.

“At every single Zionist action that has happened on campus, every single action where they have explicitly supported the genocide of our people, nothing has happened,” the unidentified student said.

“When we hold vigils in honor of our martyrs they shut them down, they send cops to terrorize us, they send reporters, they send administration.

“Remember what is happening on this campus, see it in real-time.”

Meanwhile, other students joined in unison to sing the Israeli national anthem and the Jewish song, “Oseh Shalom,” a song for peace.

One student in a mask could be seen arguing with the officer.
X / @StopAntisemites

StopAntisemitism, the group that shared the photos and videos online, said the president of George Washington University should “immediately expel those involved.”

Republican Utah Sen. Mike Lee also called on school officials to “do the right thing NOW.”

“These are genocidal messages displayed on a building at George Washington University,” he tweeted.

“If the students responsible for these messages aren’t severely punished by GWU, something is terribly wrong,” he said.

“Genocide isn’t hip, cute or in any way acceptable. GWU, do the right thing now.”

George Washington University is located less than a mile from the White House.
UCG/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

The Post has reached out to George Washington University for comment.

In a previous statement, President Granberg condemned Hamas for its surprise attack on Israel earlier this month.

“The extent of this brutal violence and the staggering loss of innocent lives has continued to come to light, and I am horrified and grief-stricken,” she said in an Oct. 11 press release.

“In no uncertain terms, I condemn these acts of terrorism.”

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