Harvard to host radical speaker who defended Hamas massacres

Harvard University will host a radical Hamas-loving professor who defended the terror group’s Oct 7 massacre in Israel.

“The Palestinian people have the right to defend themselves, the right to live with dignity and freedom. I am shocked that the world is shocked!,” Dalal Saeb Iriqat, a professor at the Arab American University in Ramallah, said in an X post on the day of slaughter.

“Today is just a normal human struggle 4 #Freedom.”

“We will never forgive the Israeli right wing extreme government for making us take their children and elderly as hostages,” she added a day later of her comrade’s invasion — which included mass rape and the beheading of children.

“The Israeli public need to realize that their own government had caused all this bloodshed and they remain the ones responsible for this escalatin [sic] and losses of civilians lives.”

Iriqat is scheduled to speak as part of a “Middle East Dialogue” at Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center on March 7 — where she is presented as an expert in “diplomacy and conflict resolution.”

Dalal Saeb Iriqat, a professor at the Arab American University in Ramallah, called the Oct. 7 attacks that left 1,200 people dead “normal human struggle.” DalalIRIQAT/X
Radical Palestinian professor Dalal Saeb Iriqat openly calls Hamas terrorism “totally normal human struggle.” DalalIRIQAT/X
Iriqat is scheduled to speak as part of a “Middle East Dialogue” at Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center on March 7 — where she is presented as an expert in “diplomacy and conflict resolution.” Getty Images
Harvard has been beset for months by allegations of institutional antisemitism. REUTERS

The academic militant’s visit comes at an awkward time for Harvard after former president Claudine Gay was forced to resign after being unwilling to publicly state that calls for genocide against Jews would be against the school’s code of conduct. She is also a confirmed plagiarist — something Harvard attempted to cover up for months.

Harvard’s campus has been rocked by instances of antisemitism — so much so that a new antisemitism task force was created to study the issue.

That panel, too, became mired in controversy after past remarks from its chair, Jewish history professor Derek Penslar, became public.

“Israel’s dispossession of Palestinians from their land and oppression of those who remain have made it one of the most disliked countries on the planet,” Penslar wrote in his book “Zionism: An Emotional State,” adding elsewhere that “Jewish culture was steeped in fantasies (and occasionally, acts) of vengeance against Christians.”

A poll after the massacre found that 57% of American Muslims believed Hamas’ Oct 7 terrorist attacks in Israel were “justified.”

Another recent survey found a majority of Americans aged 18-24 believe Israel should “be ended and given to the Hamas.”

Harvard representatives did not respond to requests for comment from The Post.

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