I’m a waitress and here’s what I do to get better tips from customers

This waitress is tipping the scales and shaking up the system to earn more money from customers.

A server who goes by the name Tamela Anderson on TikTok shared several clips about what it’s like work in restaurants, and described how she’s turned her customers’ bad behavior into big tips.

In one clip, she recalled a man who attempted to get fresh with her at work.

“If men were going to be making inappropriate comments to me, I’m just going to start making inappropriate comments back to them,” she vowed.

The TikTok user then recounted an experience with a man who asked her to pop a squat on his lap.

“I was working at a brewery and this guy that would come in sometimes came at the bar,” she said. “And he was pretty drunk and asked me to sit on his lap.”

“And I looked at him and I was like, ‘I’ll come sit on your lap, if you give me that $100 bill that I know is in your wallet,’ ” she sternly quipped to the man.

The waitress isn’t afraid to clap back at rude customers.
She told followers on TikTok that she “stopped caring” toward the end of her restaurant career — which actually resulted in better tips.

The man reportedly reached into his pocket to retrieve his wallet and hand the waitress the money. She went on, “I took it and I was like, ‘Thank you, I’m not going to come sit on your lap though.’ And I walked away. And I could hear him laughing about it.”

The gentleman continued to frequent the distillery, asking to have “only” the waitress come to his table.

The server lamented in another TikTok that one customer bashed her colored hair.

“You know what else is crazy? Making a comment to your server who is just trying to do f–king her job, that you’ve never been a fan of women with her hair color,” she groaned. “Or making a comment about her appearance at all. That’s what’s f–king crazy.”

She also pointed out, “Me deciding to make an inappropriate comment to a man who thinks he has a right to just make comments like that to a server is not that crazy.”

The aforementioned customer originally left her a measly $5 tip, but once she snapped back at him, he gave her a bigger one.

The waitress clarified in a follow-up post that her intention wasn’t to shame him into leaving more money — only that she “stopped caring” about what others said to her.

“I got to a point in my serving career, near the end, when I just stopped caring and started being a little bitchy back to all of my tables,” she said.

She then concluded, “And what’s funny is I actually started making more in tips. So if you’re a server/bartender and you’re still new, and you’re trying to push through the s–ttiness by being overly nice, do not kill them with kindness.”

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