In Speaker Fight’s Final Hours, Arm-Twisting, Flaring Tempers and Calls from Trump

WASHINGTON — Confident that he was about to win the speaker’s gavel after a torturous four-day stretch of defeats, Representative Kevin McCarthy of California sat grinning late Friday night in his chair on the House floor. Then his face dropped.

As the voting dragged on in his 14th attempt to become speaker, it had become clear that winning would require the support of Representative Matt Gaetz of Florida, the Republican leader’s chief antagonist — and Mr. Gaetz had just voted “present.”

For days as the historic floor fight played out, Mr. McCarthy had remained in his seat and dispatched allies to buttonhole the remaining holdouts privately. Now, his sunny smile replaced with a clenched jaw, Mr. McCarthy strode across the floor to confront Mr. Gaetz, who leaned back in his seat, exuding defiance.

Mr. McCarthy spoke sternly to Mr. Gaetz, appealing to him to finally relent and allow the speakership crisis to end; the Florida Republican jabbed his finger as he refused. After two minutes, Mr. McCarthy, seething and head down — the first flash of frustration he had shown all week — returned to his seat. He didn’t have the votes.

The astonishing spectacle that played out into the early hours of Saturday morning was a fitting coda to a week that exposed the deep divisions in the Republican Party, the power of an unyielding hard-right flank that revels in upending normal operations of government, and a leader who has repeatedly capitulated to the right in his quest for power.

The final hours of Mr. McCarthy’s ultimately triumphant struggle for the speakership featured back-room dealing with the hard right and arm-twisting out in the open; phone calls from Donald J. Trump, the twice-impeached former president, to try to win over holdouts; haggling over how the House would operate in the coming two years; and even a narrowly avoided physical altercation inside the chamber.

“Preferably, you do this in private,” said Representative Patrick T. McHenry of North Carolina, who acted as Mr. McCarthy’s chief emissary negotiating with the rebels. “The preference in politics is to always suffer your indignities in private, not in public. That was the goal. And the last weekend, it was evident that we would have to suffer this in public.”

Suffer they did.

“That was easy, huh?” Mr. McCarthy said after finally taking the gavel just after 1 a.m. “I never thought we’d get up here.”

Over the last century, the negotiating and deal-cutting that has paved the way for the ascendance of new House speakers have typically played out behind closed doors and far ahead of the actual election; no speaker designate had needed more than one ballot to be elected since 1923. Instead, on Friday, much of the charged round of 11th-hour negotiations were televised in real time for all to see.

The dysfunction that left the House without a speaker for a week also allowed the indignities to become more public. Photographers and videographers, unfettered from the normal rules governing their conduct because there was no speaker to put any in place, allowed spectators the opportunity to parse rare film live from the House floor.

As Mr. McCarthy’s allies furiously haggled with the hard-right holdouts, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, who has recently allied herself with Mr. McCarthy and was lobbying hard for him, was captured trying to put Mr. Trump, who had endorsed the Republican leader, on the phone with Representative Matt Rosendale of Montana, a crucial defector.

Mr. Rosendale furiously told Ms. Greene not to put him in that situation, brushing the phone away, according to lawmakers who witnessed it.

At around the same time, Representative Mike Rogers of Alabama, who is in line to become the next chairman of the Armed Services Committee, had to be physically restrained by another lawmaker who clapped his hand over Mr. Rogers’s open mouth after the irate congressman approached Mr. Gaetz.

“We haven’t seen this in a century,” said Representative Brian Fitzpatrick, Republican of Pennsylvania, referencing the last time a speaker election dragged out past nine ballots. “We’re in an emotional climate to begin with, absent this, before we got here. It’s emotions running high.”

Mr. Rogers had vented his frustration with the defectors over the past week, threatening during a closed-door party discussion on Tuesday that they could lose their seats on committees for their disloyalty. But he has reserved special contempt for Mr. Gaetz, the fourth-term Florida Republican and Trump acolyte who has established himself as an attention-seeking rabble-rouser on Capitol Hill.

Mr. Gaetz had told Mr. McCarthy and his allies that he was interested in leading an influential panel on the Armed Services Committee, where he has served since he arrived in Congress in 2017. Mr. Rogers was having none of it.

Now, Mr. Gaetz and Representative Lauren Boebert of Colorado, two of the most intractable holdouts, were refusing to budge, and demanding that the House adjourn until Monday before any more voting took place.

Ms. Greene, one of Mr. McCarthy’s most vociferous backers, was seen rolling her eyes while sidling up to Ms. Boebert, a fellow member of the Freedom Caucus, and tapped her on the shoulder.

“You need to stop,” Ms. Greene appeared to say. Ms. Boebert responded curtly, staring straight ahead.

“They said that they had agreed to both vote present and they voted present, so that’s as far as they were going to move,” said Representative Ken Buck, Republican of Colorado.

Crestfallen, Mr. McCarthy marched back to his seat, and Mr. McHenry called for the chamber to adjourn.

Yet there was movement still to come after all. After the failed 14th vote, Mr. Trump phoned Mr. Gaetz, according to two people familiar with the conversation. CNN also reported that he had reached out to Representative Andy Biggs of Arizona, another of the dissidents who had remained a holdout even as a large group of defectors had swung their support behind Mr. McCarthy earlier in the day.

As the vote to adjourn unfolded, there was a shift in the energy on the House floor, and a commotion that appeared to change the mood. With little warning, both Mr. Gaetz and Ms. Boebert marched to the well of the chamber and raised up red cards to show they were switching their votes on adjourning to “no” after all.

“Everyone take your seats,” Mr. McCarthy said, appearing relieved. “Let’s do it one more time.”

On the next ballot — the 15th and final — Mr. Gaetz and Ms. Boebert cast the same “present” votes, and the last of the holdouts fell in line and changed their votes, also to “present,” allowing Mr. McCarthy to win.

“Matt really wanted to get everybody there,” Mr. McCarthy said of Mr. Gaetz during an informal news conference later in the night. “Through all of this people’s emotions go up and down, and at the end of the night, Matt got everybody there.”

Both Mr. McCarthy’s allies and the rebels have remained tight-lipped about what exactly prompted the last group of defectors to change their votes between the 14th and 15th ballots, paving the way for his ascent to the speakership, a dynamic that underscored the extent to which Mr. McCarthy and his allies blessed key concessions that would change the House with little notice or fanfare.

Some, such as Mr. McCarthy’s offer to return to a rule that would allow rank-and-file lawmakers to force a snap vote on ousting the speaker, had been publicly discussed for days, while others, such as a promise to equip a subcommittee tasked with investigating the “weaponization of government” with the same resources as the Jan. 6 select committee, were only beginning to trickle out.

Mr. Trump, for his part, attributed on Saturday the success to his own interventions in a statement titled “President Trump Finalizes Speaker Deal.”

After rattling through the half-dozen lawmakers who helped negotiate a way out of the impasse, Mr. McCarthy made a point of lavishing praise on Mr. Trump during a news conference in the Statuary Hall after he was elected.

The moment came two years after he stood on the House floor after rioters attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and said Mr. Trump bore “responsibility” for the assault, “should have immediately denounced the mob,” and that “these facts require immediate action by President Trump.”

Within weeks, though, he was making a pilgrimage to Mar-a-Lago to mend fences with an infuriated Mr. Trump, and deeply engaged in an effort to block an investigation of the Jan. 6 riot. On Saturday morning, Mr. McCarthy suggested that he owed his post to the former president.

“I do want to specially thank President Trump,” he said. “I don’t think anybody should doubt his influence.”

As he ticked off a list of agenda items that he said Mr. Trump wanted Republicans to unite behind, including improving the economy and border security, Mr. McCarthy concluded: “He was a great influence to make that all happen. So thank you, President Trump.”

Emily Cochrane and Luke Broadwater and Maggie Haberman contributed reporting.

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