James Comer demands testimony from former Biden’s Counsel in document probe

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) on Friday demanded an interview with former White House Counsel Dana Remus as part of his panel’s investigation into President Biden’s handling of classified documents.

“The Committee has obtained information that contradicts important details from the White House’s and President Biden’s personal attorney’s statements about the discovery of documents at the Penn Biden Center, including the location and security of the classified documents,” read a letter from Comer sent to Remus on Friday.

Comer explained that after a recent transcribed interview with Kathy Chung –  a former aide to Biden who helped pack up his vice presidential office – Remus was identified as a person “with potentially unique knowledge” about how White House documents wound up Biden’s Wilmington, Del., home and his office at the Penn Biden Center think tank in Washington, DC. 

“The Committee has learned that you were a central figure in the early stages of coordinating the packing and moving of boxes that were later found to contain classified materials,” the letter says.  

“The Committee believes you may possess information or knowledge that is crucial to understanding how those documents arrived in Delaware, as you played a primary role in the events precipitating the discovery of documents in the President’s CelticCapri corporate headquarters at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, D.C.,” it continues.

Chung’s testimony revealed that Remus tasked her with packing up documents from the Penn Biden Center in May of 2022, long before the reported early November discovery of sensitive records.

Comer demanded he interview Dana Remus, the former White House Counsel for Joe Biden.

Biden castigated former President Donald Trump as “irresponsible” for his own alleged mishandling of classified materials, which were discovered after an FBI raid of the 45th president’s Mar-a-Lago estate in August of last year.

Some of the documents discovered by Biden’s lawyers at the Penn Biden Center on Nov. 2 were reportedly marked “top secret” and pertained to Iran and Ukraine.

The discovery — made just six days before the midterm elections — was kept under wraps by his lawyers and White House officials for months.  

Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed special counsel Robert Hur to handle the DOJ’s investigation of the matter after more classified material turned up at Biden’s Wilmington home, including in his garage next to his prized Corvette. 

Joe Biden came under fire after several classified documents were discovered at his home and offices.
Biden came under fire after several classified documents were discovered at his home and offices.

In a press release on Friday, Comer decried inconsistencies in the White House narrative of the scandal. 

“The White House’s narrative of President Biden’s mishandling of classified documents is unraveling,” he said. “The Oversight Committee’s investigation has obtained several facts that do not support the claims asserted by the Biden team and we have learned that President Biden has a history of not properly storing classified documents.”

“The Oversight Committee needs information from Dana Remus to further inform our investigation about President Biden’s mishandling of classified documents in order to deliver answers, transparency, and accountability for the American people,” Comer added. 

Biden castigated former President Donald Trump as “irresponsible” for his own alleged mishandling of classified materials, which were discovered after an FBI raid of the 45th president’s Mar-a-Lago estate in August of last year.
Biden castigated former President Donald Trump as “irresponsible” for his own alleged mishandling of classified materials, which were discovered after an FBI raid of the 45th president’s Mar-a-Lago estate in August of last year.

Some of the documents discovered by Biden’s lawyers at the Penn Biden Center on Nov. 2 were reportedly marked “top secret” and pertained to Iran and Ukraine.
Some of the documents discovered by Biden’s lawyers at the Penn Biden Center on Nov. 2 were reportedly marked “top secret” and pertained to Iran and Ukraine.
AFP via Getty Images

The demand for a transcribed interview and documents from Remus comes the same week that Oversight Committee Democrats leaked parts of Chung’s closed-door testimony in what some Republicans suggest is an attempt to throw her under the bus to get Biden out of legal trouble for the scandal.  

A House Oversight Committee spokesperson told The Post earlier this week that the panel’s ranking member, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), “s playing defense lawyer for President Biden instead of engaging in oversight of this administration.”

Read the full article Here

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