Joe Exotic’s prison wedding is off, back with ex Seth Posey
Imprisoned “Tiger King” star Joe Exotic’s latest wedding is off — and he’s back with ex Seth Posey, he confirmed to fans.
The reality TV star, whose real name is Joseph Maldonado-Passage, detailed the latest twist in his complicated prison romances in an audio message “update on my love life for curious minds.“
He said he wanted to “set the record straight” amid false rumors he was back with estranged husband Dillon Passage.
In fact, he insisted, he had only dumped Posey because he was “young and very handsome” and the 59-year-old inmate “didn’t want to end up with another Dillon.”
The reality star, who is serving a 21-year sentence for an attempted murder-for-hire case, said he then “took the chance” on fellow inmate John Graham — “because he was older and rock bottom.”

“But unfortunately it turned out to be all fake,” he said of his engagement to Graham, with his divorce attorney, Autumn Blackledge, confirming to TMZ that their planned wedding was off.
“Me and Seth have decided to pick up where we left off,” Exotic revealed, calling his no-longer ex “twice the man as the last two in my life.”
“I don’t expect anyone to respect this but I would like to have everyone let me just be happy for a change,” he said in the audio.
The star — still battling to overturn his sentence — said that his beau will now “have to get used” to life in the spotlight.
“And if doesn’t work out, all I can say is it’s Carole f—ing Baskin’s fault,” he said of the bitter zoo-keeping rival at the heart of his murder-for-hire plot.
His attorney, Blackledge, also gave an update Wednesday on the reality star’s divorce from Passage, saying that although it was “hitting a little bit of a lull” it was “still trucking away.”

The biggest delay, she insisted, was the focus on trying to get the star a retrial — teasing fans that they will find out soon if he will be allowed an evidentiary hearing in his bid.
She insisted his legal team was “firing on all cylinders to help get him out of prison and also to help get him divorced,” she said.
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