Kamala Harris heckled by Dem. state lawmaker Madinah Wilson-Anton demanding Gaza cease-fire at holiday speech

Vice President Kamala Harris was momentarily shouted down by a Democratic state lawmaker as she gave remarks during a holiday party at her home on Monday.

The incident occurred at Harris and second gentleman Doug Emhoff’s residence at the US Naval Observatory in Washington, DC, where the couple hosted several Democratic state and local officials for holiday festivities. 

Harris, 59, was in the middle of her speech when Delaware state Rep. Madinah Wilson-Anton (D) unfurled a sign that read “ceasefire” and began shouting at the vice president. 

“Madam Vice President, I am a rep from Delaware. Did you know in Bethlehem they are not celebrating Christmas? Did you know in Bethlehem, baby Jesus is under rubble? Why won’t you call for a cease-fire?” Wilson-Anton shouted at Harris.

“I appreciate you wanting to be heard, but right now I’m speaking,” Harris shot back as the state lawmaker was escorted out of the party. 

Vice President Kamala Harris was speaking when Delaware state Rep. Madinah Wilson-Anton (D) interrupted her by unfurling a sign that read “ceasefire” before shouting at her. X / @jvplive
The incident occurred at Harris and second gentleman Doug Emhoff’s residence. X / @jvplive

Wilson-Anton has served in the Delaware House of Representatives since 2021 and became the first Muslim elected official in the state after winning her 2020 race by more than 40 points.

She has previously worked as an analyst at the University of Delaware’s Biden Institute, a think tank named in honor of President Biden, who graduated from the school in 1965. 

“Christmas is cancelled in Bethlehem,” Wilson-Anton wrote on X after interrupting the vice president.

She included a video of the incident in her tweet, which also tagged several pro-Palestinian activist groups and incorporated the hashtags “FreePalestine,” “StopTheGenocide,” “CeasefireNOW,” “GazaGenocide” and “StopArmingIsrael.”

Wilson-Anton’s plea came days after a group of more than 40 White House interns penned an anonymous letter demanding that Biden, 81, and Harris call for an “immediate cease-fire” in Gaza, accusing the president and veep of having “ignored” the “pleas of the American people.”

Israel declared war on Hamas shortly after the terrorist group attacked the Jewish state on Oct. 7, killing more than 1,200 people and taking dozens more hostage. 

Delaware state Rep. Madinah Wilson-Anton asked Harris, “Why won’t you call for a cease-fire?” Instagram, Madinah Wilson-Anton

The Hamas-run Gaza Ministry of Health estimates that more than 15,500 Palestinians have died in the resulting conflict. 

The Israeli government agreed to a seven-day cease-fire late last month to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza and for Hamas to release captives in exchange for Palestinian prisoners. 

The temporary cease-fire ended on Dec. 1. 

Since the war broke out, the White House has expressed support for humanitarian “pauses” but not a full-fledged cease-fire. 

Several far-left Democratic lawmakers, including Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) have demanded that the president call for a cease-fire in the conflict. 

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