Kayla Lemieux quit former job at Toronto high school

Controversial Canadian school teacher Kayla Lemieux quit her previous job at the Oakville Trafalgar High School where her prosthetic Z-sized boobs stirred up a huge controversy and led to bomb threats, The Post has learned.

Following The Post’s pictures of Lemieux running errands without a wig or prosthetics, the Halton District School Board made the decision to place her on leave this spring.

Many believed Lemieux had then been quietly let go, but sources confirmed to The Post she had been the one to leave to pursue new opportunities.

The shop class teacher has since seemingly turned over a new leaf, and arrived on campus at Nora Frances Henderson Secondary School to start a new term this week in male clothes and with a layer of stubbled beard on her face.

The teacher’s new look has frustrated Oakville parents, who dealt with bomb threats and unwanted attention because of Lemieux, while administrators jumped through hoops to accommodate her last school year.

Kayla Lemieux was photographed at the Nora Frances Henderson Secondary School without her massive fake breasts

Last school year, Lemieux wore Z-cup prosthetic breasts to school every day, insisting they were real
Last school year, Lemieux wore Z-cup prosthetic breasts to school every day, insisting they were real.

Parents at the new school are equally miffed and question what the sudden change means.

“Why is she so quick to drop the big prosthetic breasts, tight clothing and wig?” 41-year-old mother Michele told The Post earlier this week.

“It’s disingenuous and it’s obvious now it was all an attention grab at the expense of children’s safety.”

Lemieux arrived at the start of the new year under police escort, and before classes started Nora Frances Henderson principal Principal Tom Fisher warned parents her presence might cause “disruptions” and informed them a slew of new safety protocols had been instated to protect students.

Those measures included “having students enter and exit the building using assigned doors at entry and dismissal” and “locking exterior doors during school hours, only using the front main doors during school hours,” according to the memo, obtained by the Toronto Sun.

Lemieux, sporting a beard and no breasts, arrived for the start of classes under a police escort on Wednesday
Lemieux, sporting a beard and no breasts, arrived for the start of classes under a police escort on Wednesday
Brigitte Stelzer

Parents at Lemieux's old and new schools are outraged that she's now dropped the look after causing such drama
Parents at Lemieux’s old and new schools are outraged that she’s now dropped the look after causing such drama
Brigitte Stelzer

“I’m not worried about Kayla being a threat to my children, to be honest I’m more worried about Kayla’s safety,” Michele added.

“But my kids could be in danger if someone attacks her or if there’s a bomb threat and my children are in school.”

Lemieux previously insisted she was intersex and her breasts were real in an interview with The Post in February.

She claimed they were so large because she suffered from an extremely rare disorder called gigantomastia, which causes breasts to grow huge.

“I’m not wearing prosthetic breasts. These are real,” she claimed at the time, saying the pictures of her without them were actually someone else.

Read the full article Here

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