Man orders 100 McDonald’s chicken nuggets on horseback

They didn’t say neigh to this customer.

A man nonchalantly ordered 100 chicken nuggets while on horseback at a McDonald’s drive-thru in East London, the Mirror reported.

“We was hungry man,” the rider, who was cheered on, says in a clip of him leaving the drive-thru after patiently waiting behind a blue sedan for the takeout.

Neither staff nor bystanders once said “What the hey?” during the video. The worker who took his order seemed more taken aback that the man ordered 100 nuggets for himself.

That mysterious nugget lover — who has developed a colt-following on social media as “The Blessed Equestrian” — amassed 1.7 million TikTok views of the midday ride.

“I’ve always wanted to try McDonald’s drive thru with my horse. So After [working] out today we were hungry, so I went to get 100 chicken nuggets,” he posted to Instagram. “The horse got [separate] treats.”

One man challenged the uban cowboy to double his order on another journey.

“Lol Get 200 next time,” professional boxer Anthony Yarde commented on Instagram.

A man successfully ordered 100 chicken nuggets while on horseback in England.
An equestrian waiting on a drive-thru line on horseback in East London.
An equestrian waiting on a drive-thru line on horseback in East London.

Other fans on TikTok passed along some advice for the rider and even put in a special request for the next food run.

“Dont turn right at the exit £60 ticket camera smh,” another fan jokingly commented on the TikTok.

“This would make my day if I saw this can you dress as a knight for the next one,” wrote one follower.

In 2018, a man tried a similar stunt in Suffolk, England, but the night-mare customer was turned away.

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