Millennials love pets more than family, partners: study

Dogs truly are a millennial’s best friend.

A recent study by Consumer Affairs surveyed 1,000 pet owners and found that 57 percent of participants aged 27 and 42 love their furry friends more than their siblings.

An astonishing 50 percent admitted the same about their moms.

Boyfriends and girlfriends, please stand down: The study also found that millennials’ romantic partners come second to a pet for 30 percent of participants.

“Previous studies have shown that millennials are less likely to own homes and have children than the generations before them,” the study reads. “Evidently, pets may have a lot to do with this.”

The generation would also rather have pets over human children. If their fuzzballs needed a life-saving treatment, the millennials said they could probably pull that together within a month.

Millennial cat parents would rather have their furry friend than a real human child.
Getty Images

“If push came to shove and millennials truly couldn’t afford a life-saving treatment for their animal, they reported a willingness to take on a part-time second job (49 percent) or sell possessions such as TVs (43 percent), laptops (41 percent) or jewelry (29 percent),” according to the study.

Another popular money-raising method was GoFunMe. Forty-six percent of respondents said they would create an online fundraiser to help their animals.

Petting Golden Retriever
Fifty percent of millennials admitted to loving their pet more than their mom.
Getty Images/Cavan Images RF

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