‘Mullet Boy’ is all party at 2022 USA Mullet Championship
There are few competitions more fun — and fiercely unfashionable — than one that pits children’s mullets against one another.
Traditionally the hairstyle has been described as “business in the front, and a party in the back” — but it’s clearly all “party” for the finalists of the 2022 USA Mullet Championship, the winner of which will be decided by voters this week.
Polls to pick just one of 25 glorious mullets close on Friday.
The laissez faire locks on these young men rivals the meticulously manicured Hollywood stars who rocked the mullet in the ’80s — though the historic style has existed much longer.
Emmitt Bailey — dubbed “Mullet Boy” — told NBC affiliate WEAU in Eau Claire, Wisconsin that he’s spent the past year perfecting his look, after missing the competition deadline to enter last year.
“It’s extremely fun to watch the votes,” said Emmitt’s father, Eric, who informed WEAU that the initial call for contestants on Facebook saw about 600 kids from all over the US enter the running. “Then they went to 100 and then all of the sudden we were watching the votes and he kept climbing, and climbing, and climbing, and then it went to the 25.
The proud papa said he was happy to see Emmitt make the cut — especially in support of a good cause. Their $10 fee to enter the contest will go to support the Michigan Wig Foundation for kids.

The competition is particularly stiff in the Badger State, which boasts four strong contenders in the nationwide showdown.
But if the one dubbed Mullet Boy is to take home the $2,500, he’s going to “buy a go-cart,” he declared.

Emmitt and Eric also had advice for all those bold enough to join the proud legion of mullet-heads. “It does take some time to grow ‘cause this is two years in the making to get this one, but have fun with it,” the dad said.
According to the website, the Mullet Championships began in 2020 with an adult competition, held locally in Michigan.
Now a nationwide contest, the scope has expanded to include separate categories for kids, teens and an “open division,” for men and women aged 19 and up.
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