Nick Sandmann asks Elon Musk for ‘hidden’ Twitter files

Former Covington Catholic High School student Nicholas Sandmann wants Elon Musk to release any “hidden Twitter” files about death threats against him and his classmates.

Sandmann — who sued a number of media outlets over coverage of a viral confrontation at a 2019 March for Life rally in Washington, DC, –wrote to the owner of Twitter Sunday, remarking on the release of a report about how the social media giant censored The Post’s 2020 expose on Hunter Biden.

“As I’m watching this all play out, I’m wondering if @elonmusk has any hidden twitter files relating to what went on here,” he posted on his Twitter account. “Let’s be clear: under the watch of @vijaya they allowed these illegal threats when I was 16 years old.”

Sandmann included screenshots of Twitter accounts making violent threats about him and other students at the Kentucky school at the time. 

Nicholas Sandmann is asking Elon Musk to release any “hidden” files about death threats made against him on Twitter.

One said: “Burn the f–king school down,” while another read: “#MAGAkids go screaming, hats first, into the woodchipper.”

Musk on Friday released through the journalist Matt Taibbi internal emails shedding light on the deliberations of a group of top Twitter executives that decided The Post’s bombshell story about President Biden’s son violated the company’s “hacked materials” policy without any evidence. 

Vijaya, whom Sandmann mentioned in his Tweet, referred to Vijaya Gadde, Twitter’s former head of legal, policy, and trust who played a “key role” in the decision, according to Taibbi.

Elon Musk
Elon Musk released details of Twitter’s decision to censor The Post’s reports on Hunter Biden in October 2020.
One of the threats sent via Twitter to Nicholas Sandmann and his fellow students at Covington Catholic High School.
One of the threats sent via Twitter to Nicholas Sandmann and his fellow students at Covington Catholic High School.

Musk canned Gadde after he bought the social media company for $44 billion in October. 

Sandmann, 20, was vilified by the media when footage aired of an encounter between him wearing a “Make America Great Again” cap and Native American activists participating in an Indigenous People March. 

The video set off a media firestorm, with many claiming the encounter was racially motivated and instigated by by Sandmann and his fellow students, who attended a nearby anti-abortion march. 

Sandmann has settled multiple lawsuits against several news outlets. 

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