Palestinian teen shot dead in Israeli raid in occupied West Bank

A Palestinian teen was shot dead by Israeli troops early Saturday as fighting erupted in the volatile town of Jenin in the occupied West Bank, the Palestinian health ministry said.

The ministry identified the dead teen as Amjad al-Fayyed, 17. It also said an 18-year-old Palestinian was in critical condition after being wounded by Israeli gunfire during the clashes.

Local media reports noted that fighting erupted outside Jenin’s refugee camp when Israeli forces stormed the area.

The Israel Defense Forces said in a later statement that Israeli troops only began firing in response to gunmen shooting at them, adding suspects also threw explosives toward their soldiers.

“During an IDF operation last night near Kafr Dan, a number of suspects threw Molotov cocktails, explosives and fired from a passing vehicle at [Israeli] forces. Troops fired at the suspects and a hit was identified. There are no Israeli casualties,” said the IDF, according to The Times of Israel.

An 18-year-old Palestinian was also in critical condition after being wounded by Israeli gunfire during the clashes.
AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed
Amjad al-Fayyed mourners
Israel Defense Forces claimed gunmen fired at them.
AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed

Israel has stepped up its military activity in Jenin in recent weeks in response to a series of deadly attacks inside Israel. Several attackers were from the Jenin area, which is known as a stronghold of Palestinian militants.

On May 11, American Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh was fatally shot in the head while covering an Israeli raid in Jenin. 

With Post wires.

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