Passenger stuck in airplane toilet for 35 minutes — gets rescued by unlikely savior

It was the worst seat downgrade ever.

A man named Brent had a truly crappy flight after getting trapped in an airplane lavatory for 35 minutes — before eventually getting rescued by the pilot.

His wife detailed his unfortunate outhouse arrest in a Reddit post taking flight online.

“Don’t ask me who was flying the plane,” the unnamed woman captioned the post describing the incident, which occurred on a Delta Airlines flight from Salt Lake City, Utah, to New Orleans, Louisiana.

A man named Brent had the crappiest flight ever after getting trapped in the airplane lavatory for 35 minutes — before eventually getting rescued by the pilot. NurPhoto via Getty Images
The pilot attempts to free Brent from his poopy prison. Reddit/StuckDeltaBathroom

The trip had reportedly been going swimmingly until her hubby, 34, disappeared to the bathroom for a long time, leaving her with their two kids, aged 2 and 4.

“After five minutes, I wondered what was going on,” said the wife. She even joked that he was taking a “much-needed” respite from the kiddies’ “whiney demands and frequent tantrums.”

She realized it was no goof another five minutes later when the flight attendant informed them that someone was trapped in the bathroom.

“The door is jammed, and someone is stuck in there,” they said, per the post, to which she replied, “I think that’s my husband!”

The distraught woman subsequently turned her attention to the rear of the aircraft, where two stewardesses were “yanking the bathroom door handle” in an attempt to free her soulmate from his inflight imprisonment

At one point, they even recruited a male passenger who gave the door his “damnedest” — but to no avail.

By that time, the poor passenger had been stuck in his “3½-by-5-foot pee and poop box” for almost half an hour, per the post.

That’s when the pilot came to Brent’s rescue.

“I think they may have needed his [the pilot’s] permission to potentially damage the door to get Brent out,” the Redditor revealed. “The pilot was really giving it his all.”

An accompanying video, filmed by a fellow passenger, shows the flyboy tenaciously fiddling with the latch and yanking at the door handle as crewmembers and other flyers look on.

“My attention diverted to the rear of the plane, where sure enough, two Delta flight attendants were yanking the bathroom door handle in an attempt to free my trapped husband,” the woman wrote. Reddit/StuckDeltaBathroom

However, it wasn’t until Brent “kicked the hell out of the door” while the pilot was pulling that he finally made his escape — 35 minutes after initially entering the lofty loo.

This lavatory layover might not seem like a picnic. However, the poster said she was just glad he didn’t have their 4-year-old with him and that it wasn’t a senior citizen, child or person with claustrophobia or germaphobia who was trapped instead.

Unfortunately, customer service didn’t refund the couple for their “terrible” flight, per the post.

The Redditariat had a field day with their mile-high mishap.

“Sounds like a s–tty situation,” quipped one wit, while another wrote, “I thought they’d finally give up and just tell him to be seated during landing.”

“Plot twist: Brent was holding the door closed from the other side just trying to get a few more minutes away from his wife Karen,” joked a third.

As for her concern over who was piloting the plane in the flyboy’s stead, many Redditors correctly pointed out that there is more than one pilot on any given flight.

Others reprimanded the poster for demanding a refund, which they deemed a bit excessive.

Indeed, the ordeal could’ve been a lot worse: He could’ve been trapped there for the entire flight like this poor fellow on a SpiceJet flight last month.

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