Philadelphia teen fugitive Shane Pryor captured by US Marshals after 5 day manhunt

A 17-year-old murder suspect who escaped from a Philadelphia hospital on Wednesday has been captured, the US Marshals Service Philadelphia confirmed Sunday.

According to US Marshals, Shane Pryor was taken into custody late Sunday afternoon after investigators saw him on surveillance video getting off the bus in an area of Philadelphia he was known to frequent.

Authorities said Pryor was uncuffed and with two prison staff members when he managed to exit a vehicle in the Emergency Room parking lot at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and escape around noon on Wednesday, January 24. 

After reviewing surveillance footage, officials say that he escaped the hospital driveway and went from building to building, walking right into public entrances and even spoke to people asking them for a phone. 

Pryor asked a front desk receptionist there for the use of a phone, was told no, and he then left that building, according to Fox29 Philadelphia.

Shane Pryor was taken into custody on Sunday by U.S. Marshals. (U.S. Marshals Service Philadelphia)
Shane Pryor was taken into custody on Sunday by U.S. Marshals. U.S. Marshals Service Philadelphia

After five days of searching for escaped teen murder suspect Shane Pryor, U.S. Marshals have captured him.  (U.S. Marshals Service Philadelphia)
After five days of searching for escaped teen murder suspect Shane Pryor, U.S. Marshals have captured him. U.S. Marshals Service Philadelphia

On Friday, Philadelphia Police arrested an 18-year-old who allegedly helped Pryor escape from custody.

Michael Diggs, who is being accused of picking up Pryor and helping him escape police custody, has been charged with several crimes, including Hindering Apprehension, Escape and Criminal Conspiracy. 

Pryor has been behind bars since he was charged with the 2020 murder of 54-year-old Tanya Harris at 14 years old.

He is still awaiting trial in that case. 

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