Project Veritas sues Patrice Thibodeau, operative turned porn star

A one-time Project Veritas video editor, who quit to become a porn star in Florida, has been spilling the company’s secrets on YouTube, the company charged in a lawsuit.

Patrice Thibodeau, who also worked as digital director for the Connecticut Republican Party from January 2018 to December 2019 before letting it all hang out online, has repeatedly violated his Project Veritas employment agreements, the company claims in its Manhattan Supreme Court filing.

The right-leaning media watchdog group is known for undercover videos recorded without the subject’s knowledge. It says Thibodeau, 33, published six videos on YouTube in August and September under his stage name, “Jean Jacques the C–k,” revealing the company’s “confidential information,” slamming its personnel and using the business’ name “to promote his career.”

Thibodeau, who worked at Project Veritas from December 2019 to September 2020, kept up the “disparaging videos” even after the company warned he was violating his employment agreements, they said in heavily redacted court papers.

Patrice Thibodeau has been “disparaging” his former employer, Project Veritas, the company claims in a lawsuit.

Project Veritas, whose founder, James O’Keefe, was permanently banned from Twitter, said in the lawsuit that its activities “depend heavily on maintaining the confidentiality of its proprietary information, including the identities of its undercover journalists … its sources, its methods and technology, and its ongoing projects.”

The company is seeking $200,000 damages and a court order barring Thibodeau from breaking his agreements.

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