Rachel Bilson reacts after Whoopi Goldberg criticizes her take on men’s sex lives

An unexpected feud. Rachel Bilson is reacting to Whoopi Goldberg’s response to her recently stating that she finds it “weird” if middle-aged men only had four sex partners.

“I want to say that I’ve been a fan of Whoopi’s for a very long time, so when I saw the tagline that she criticized something I said, I of course was concerned,” the O.C. alum, 42, told Entertainment Weekly on Thursday.

“I think it’s important to hear a whole conversation before casting your own judgment or criticism on something.”

The actress noted that her team makes sure her podcast is “a very safe open place to discuss anything.”

“I have the power to edit our podcast, and I chose to keep the conversation as a whole in, because a lot of the time in life, you say something, and maybe you have a minute and you reflect on it,” Bilson continued. “The point I get across is that it doesn’t matter, and maybe in the past I would’ve looked at it [judgmentally], but I wouldn’t do that anymore. I made it clear that I don’t want to sound judgmental, it was important that that point get across, not what I said initially.”

Whoopi Goldberg on “The View.”
The View/ABC
Rachel Bilson’s podcast.

On Monday, Bilson said on her “Broad Ideas with Rachel Bilson” podcast that “if a dude is in his 40s and he [has] only slept with four women” it’d be “a little weird.”

Goldberg, in turn, took the topic to “The View.”

“I don’t understand. To me, if he’s happy with you and you’re having a good time, why are you bitching?” she asked on the ABC talk show on Thursday. “Why is it your business? It’s not your business.”

“I think it’s important to hear a whole conversation before casting your own judgment or criticism on something,” the actress said.

The Oscar winner, 67, went on to note that women were “bitching” about how “men traditionally were taught to have many sexual partners” and could “do whatever they wanted to do,” and now that’s flipped.

“So now this is happening and now you mad?” she added. “I don’t understand.”

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