Rep. Jeff Duncan’s wife files for divorce over cheating with DC lobbyist

A South Carolina congressman who campaigns as an advocate for “traditional family values” carried out multiple affairs during his 34-year marriage, his wife claimed in divorce papers.

Melody Duncan accused GOP Rep. Jeff Duncan in Friday’s filing of abandoning his family to live with his mistress, who is reportedly a lobbyist in the Washington, D.C. area, according to court documents.

Duncan “admitted this adulterous relationship to many people, including [the couple’s three sons] and members of his staff,” the filing claims.

The 57-year-old conservative allegedly flaunted the affair in front of Melody’s face while purporting to carry on a healthy marriage in front of his constituents while on his re-election campaign trail.

Just last month, Duncan described Melody as a “supportive and loving wife” at his 12th annual Faith and Freedom BBQ — one of the largest annual Republican gatherings in South Carolina that typically draws thousands of people.

Duncan “then left the next day and went directly to the home of his paramour, Liz Williams, in the Washington DC area, where [Melody] is informed and believes he continues to reside,” the findings allege.

Melody Duncan filed for divorce from Rep. Jeff Duncan, her husband of 34 years.
Congressman Jeff Duncan/Facebook

“[Melody] is informed and believes that [Duncan’s] extramarital relationship(s) is/are widely known in political circles in North Carolina and Washington DC.”

Since then, Duncan allegedly started rumors that his 1988 marriage to Melody was plagued with lovelessness in an effort “to justify the hypocrisy of his public statements and his private actions.”

Duncan allegedly admitted his extramarital affair with Williams to Melody, though the scorned spouse believes there was at least one other woman.

Jeff and Melody Duncan.
Duncan has had multiple affairs, including with a DC lobbyist, Melody claims.
Congressman Jeff Duncan/Facebook

According to the US House’s lobbying disclosure page, there’s a registered lobbying firm called Liz Williams and Co., with seven clients, including Delta Air Lines.

The politician, who has served the state’s 3rd Congressional District since 2011, touts himself as a protector of the nuclear family.

“As a life-long social conservative, I am a strong advocate for life and traditional family values,” he states on his government page.

Jeff Duncan.
Duncan touts himself as “a strong advocate for life and traditional family values.”

“The most basic component of our society is the family. Now more than ever, it is imperative that we protect the values that America was founded upon and have made our country great.”

Neither lawyers for Melody nor representatives for Duncan immediately responded to The Post’s request for comment.

The divorce was first reported by the South Carolina Index-Journal.

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