Staffer at Disney Universal Studios Star Wars gift shop recorded upskirt videos of 500 women

A Disney Universal Studios staffer who worked in the Orlando park’s Star Wars gift shop allegedly recorded upskirt videos of more than 500 unsuspecting women in the shop over the last six years.

Jorge Diaz Vega, 26, was spotted by a witness positioning a cell phone underneath the dress of an 18-year-old park visitor late last month, according to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

The victim in that case later told police that she was unaware of Vega’s actions.

The former staffer admitted his misdeeds to responding police, admitting that he had filmed 500 other women during his multi-year employment at the famed attraction.

Vega told cops that he suffered from borderline autism but knew “right from wrong,” documents show.

He was arrested on a count of video voyeurism, a third-degree felony punishable by up to five years behind bars, according to a police report.

Under questioning, Vega showed investigators several examples of his illicit recordings taken at Disney, telling police that it was a “guilty pleasure.”

Diaz told cops he recorded at least 500 women.

“Diaz estimated he had over 500 videos on his phone,” the police report states. “Diaz takes the videos because it is hard to find them online.”

He also noted to police that he targeted females who came into the Star Wars shop primarily “to buy lightsabers.”

Universal Studios Orlando
Diaz was released on $2,500 bond and will return to court at a later date.
Gregg Newton/AFP via Getty Images

Vega — who no longer works at the park — was later released on $2,500 bail and will appear in court at a later date.

The Orange County Sheriff’s Office declined to tell the Associated Press if they are pursuing additional charges against Vega or if they will attempt to notify other victims.

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