Teen mom killed on first night out since giving birth

A teen mom was killed by a stray bullet at a Georgia house party just a month after her 18th birthday — on her first night out since giving birth.

Shania Green was found dead in the back patio of a house in Grayson after police cleared the party while investigating reports of a shooting at 1 a.m. Friday, WANF reported.

She had a bullet wound in the back of the head, Gwinnett County Police said.

“Shania just turned 18” — and had been devoted to “lovingly taking care of her 7-month-old son,” her aunt Sadie Long wrote in an online fundraiser.

“As any new mother, ​Shania was excited to finally get to go out and hang out for a little,” she said of the teen mom’s first night out.

“While enjoying a night out at a house party, multiple shots were fired from outside of the house hitting Shania from inside of the house and taking her life,” she wrote.

New mom Shania Green, 18, was fatally struck by a stray bullet on her first night out after giving birth. GoFundMe

“Shania was a wonderful daughter, mother, sister, granddaughter and niece who touched the lives of everyone around her. She was known for her beautiful infectious smile and her laughter,” Long wrote.

“She was just figuring out who she was as a young lady and as a new mother, navigating life with grace, compassion and kindness,” she added. “Her glowing personality and respectful manner has left so many people hurting and mourning for such an amazing soul.”

Police responding to reports of a person shot found Green’s body in a patio area of the home. Atlanta News First
The party was reportedly hosted by the homeowner’s son while the parent was away. Atlanta News First

As of Thursday morning, the account had raised over $10,000 for the family’s funeral expenses.

Neighbors told WANF that they heard gunfire erupt around 1 a.m. One neighbor provided the news outlet with cellphone video showing dozens of young people running out of the house.

“When I looked out the window I saw a bunch of kids trying to get into their cars and leave the subdivision,” the neighbor told the outlet without revealing her name.

Police said no suspects have been identified and are asking for the public’s help. Atlanta News First

The homeowner’s son hosted it while the parent was out of town, a relative of the homeowner told WANF.

No suspects have been identified and arrested yet in connection with the fatal shooting, officials and Green’s family said.

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