Video: In Scorning Trump’s Remarks, Biden Urges House to Pass Ukraine Aid Bill

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In Scorning Trump’s Remarks, Biden Urges House to Pass Ukraine Aid Bill

During remarks on the $95 billion Ukraine and Israel aid package, President Biden condemned former President Donald J. Trump for encouraging Russia to attack some NATO members.

There’s no question that if the Senate bill was put on the floor in the House of Representatives, it would pass. It would pass. And the speaker knows that. So I call on the speaker to let the full House speak its mind and not allow a minority of most extreme voices in the House to block this bill even from being voted on. The stakes are already high for American security before this bill was passed in the Senate last night. But in recent days, those stakes have risen. And that’s because the former president has set a dangerous and shockingly, frankly, un-American signal to the world. Just a few days ago, Trump gave an invitation to Putin to invade some of our NATO allies. He said if an ally didn’t spend enough money on defense, he would encourage Russia to, quote, “Do whatever the hell they want,” end of quote. Can you imagine a former president of the United States saying that? The whole world heard it. The worst thing is he means it. No other president in our history has ever bowed down to a Russian dictator. Well, let me say this as clearly as I can — I never will. For God’s sake, it’s dumb, it’s shameful, it’s dangerous, it’s un-American.

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