‘Whose Line Is It Anyway’ fate in the air as star claims unfair wages
Colin Mochrie has been making viewers laugh on “Whose Line Is It Anyway?” for years — but he claims in a new interview that his paycheck is actually a joke.
The 65-year-old comedian told Vulture that he has a love/hate relationship with the long-running improv TV show, which stars Mochrie, Wayne Brady and Ryan Stiles alongside host Aisha Tyler.
Inspired by the British show of the same name, the American version of “Whose Line Is It Anyway?” first aired on ABC from 1998 to 2007. The CW revived it in 2013.
Mochrie tweeted in November that the show would come to an end with its 20th season, which would begin filming in January before premiering in March. Vulture reported Wednesday that the CW said Mochrie’s claim was “not accurate” and that “no decision has been made at this time about next season.”
But Mochrie tells Vulture: “Everyone at the show — producers and actors — are calling this the last taping. The short answer is that if it comes back, it probably won’t be with this cast.”
“There is a complicated relationship with the show,” Mochrie explained to the outlet. “The cast loves each other, and the actual shooting is always fun. We are all grateful that the show gave us a showcase and allowed us to be able to tour.”
“The downside is that we never received fair compensation for the success of the show,” Mochrie claimed. “We provide the content but don’t get paid as ‘writers.’ We never received residuals for a show that’s been shown around the world since its inception.

“Seeing announcements about the sale [of] the show overseas or to HBO Max can get irritating,” he added.
Mochrie said he hopes he isn’t coming off as “bitter” in this interview. He admitted he finds it “odd” that people still tweet at the cast to bring the show back because it’s been back for nine years.
“So the short answer is, as of now, this is the last season with this cast,” he reiterated. “The longer, more vague answer is that it’s like the Mafia: It keeps pulling us back, so who knows?”
The Post has contacted The CW for comment. A rep for Mochrie told The Post he has no further comment.
While “Whose Line” may not return, The CW announced last month it will broadcast the controversial start-up golf league LIV Golf.
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