Woman gnaws on back seat of NC police car: Boone PD

A woman gnawed through the backseat cushion of a North Carolina police cruiser after she was detained on an assault charge, North Carolina cops said.

The bizarre biting incident took place after the woman, 32, was arrested for an alleged assault on Jan. 2, the Boone Police Department reportedly said.

Boone police Sgt. Dennis O’Neal told the Charlotte Observer about $650 in damage was assessed to the vehicle following the toothy attack.

The woman chew on the back seat cushion following an arrest, cops said. Town of Boone Police

“A substantial amount of padding,” he said.

The department made light of the situation on social media, joking that they might need to purchase added protection for the seats.

“That moment when you are so angry you were arrested that you decide to chew the seat,” the department wrote on Facebook. “We may need to invest in Kevlar seat cover.”

Some commenters on the Facebook post also cracked some jokes, with one user asking “Did you arrest jaws,” referring to the infamous movie about a killer shark.

The incident happened in the Town of Boone.
The incident happened in the Town of Boone. Town of Boone Police

“What kind of teeth did this person have,” another user quipped. “Good lord.”

“They wouldn’t put their mouth on anything back there if they knew what other people did back there,” another user wrote.

Boone police, which is about two hours from Greensboro and Charlotte, haven’t determined whether the woman will face additional charges tied to the incident.

The damage was discovered after the suspect was already processed into jail, Sgt. O’Neal told the Charlotte Observer.

“It’s an unfortunate situation, I’m sure she regrets putting herself in that position of eating the back of a police car now that everything is calm,” O’Neal said. 

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