McDonald’s worker goes viral for kicking customer out of drive-thru

Someone was not lovin’ it.

A video on TikTok of a McDonald’s employee kicking a customer out of the drive-thru went viral.

The user, @ghettogaragebuildss, showed a clip of an employee sternly telling the customer that she and her employees are done remaking his drink.

There were two different versions of the video: a 37-second version and one that was six seconds, which was viewed 6.2 million times, Yahoo! News reported Thursday. On Friday, the TikTok account appears to no longer be active and it is unclear when it was taken down.

In the longer version, viewers can hear what exactly was the problem as she points to his iced coffee and says, “It’s all on the bottom, see? And now go to a different store. We will not be serving you anymore.” She then closes her window to serve the next person in line.

This McDonald’s employee was sick of remaking the customer’s drink.

It appears that the customer wasn’t satisfied with his drink and he asks why McDonald’s refuses to keep serving him in the clip.

The employee responds with, “Because every single time we make your drink it is wrong. Obviously, we cannot satisfy you the first time and we’re done trying. So, get out of my drive-thru,” as the customer drives away.

The video ends with the viewer hearing the employee say, “And you guys called my employees vulgar names.”

The two TikToks combined have more than 700,000 likes and over 10,000 comments, many of which seem to have taken the employee’s side.

“I like her, she’s not McHaving it anymore! Customers, stop being exhausting, it’s just fast food,” one person commented.

Some of the commenters had experience in the service industry and expressed their annoyance with people’s expectations from those serving them.

“It’s McDonald’s, not a fancy coffee shop. People really [are] expecting the most for less,” one viewer said.

“Customers act like they’re paying for cashiers’ insurance with their entitled behavior. Drive on,” mentioned another.

One commenter told McDonald’s that the employee deserved a raise and a promotion.

There was even one person who claimed to be her former employee and also showed her love and support. 

“She’s amazing. I worked with her for 8 years before I left McDonald’s. She’s actually the GM of that location,” the person said.

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