Video: Biden: U.S. Committed to Diplomacy With China Despite Differences

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Biden: U.S. Committed to Diplomacy With China Despite Differences

President Biden told executives at the APEC summit that while the U.S. has “real differences” with Beijing, it is committed to “strong diplomacy” on global issues.

We have real differences with Beijing when it comes to maintaining fair and level economic playing field, and protecting your intellectual property. We’re going to continue to address them with smart policies and strong diplomacy. Also taken — targeted action to protect our vital national security interests. Let me be clear: We are de-risking and diversifying our economic relationship with the P.R.C., not decoupling. Not decoupling. We’ll be firm standing up for our values and our interests. And I was very straightforward as he was with me yesterday. At the same time, on critical global issues such as climate, A.I., counternarcotics, where it makes sense to work together, we’ve committed to work together. We’re going to continue our commitment to diplomacy to avoid surprises, to prevent misunderstandings.

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